It’s all systems go for Open House and Portfolio Day!

Neither sleet, nor snow nor any other kind of blustery winter weather will keep them away.
More than 5,000 prospective students and their families are expected to attend Concordia’s Winter 2018 Open House on Saturday, February 10.
“The growing number of people showing up for our Open House events represents a surge of interest in Concordia,” says Matthew Stiegemeyer, director of Student Recruitment.
The overall number of undergraduate applications for fall 2018 is already up 10 per cent over last year. The bump in applications from international high-school students is 26 per cent.
“Members of the university community can take real pride in their efforts to showcase Concordia, which are clearly paying off,” Stiegemeyer says.
“We all know students have multiple options in terms of where to pursue a university education, but we are seeing a spike in applications and enrolment at Concordia.”
Increasing interest from prospective grad students
October’s Open House saw a renewed focus on presentations and information tables aimed specifically at future Master’s and PhD students. Future grad student attendance increased 80 per cent over the previous year.
“It’s been a coordinated effort across all four faculties to implement our vision for becoming a top choice for future graduate students,” says Vivek Venkatesh, associate dean of Graduate Studies.
“Applications to grad studies at Concordia went up almost 13 per cent in 2016-17. We are very proud that our reputation and our desirability as a centre for research and learning is continuing to grow the way it is.”
A chance to plan for the fall
Concordia throws open its doors to potential students twice a year, in the fall and winter. Both Open Houses are a chance for prospective students to a get a hands-on sense of life on campus.
But with the deadline to apply for September admission approaching, February’s event attracts future undergraduate students who are zeroing in on their plans for the fall.
Recruiters are available to answer questions about the nitty-gritty of the application process, and an on-site application clinic is always a hot spot at Open House, notes Stiegemeyer.
Make the most of the day
Everyone who registers for Open House receives a personalized itinerary with suggested activities (including tours, demo-lectures, presentations and more), built around their specific academic interests and history.
“It’s all part of our push to offer a tailored experience, and help future students really get a feeling for what it would be like to attend Concordia,” Stiegemeyer says.
“It’s their chance to see themselves as part of our community.”
Register now for Concordia’s Winter 2018 Open House, which runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, February 10.
Events on the Sir George Williams Campus take place in the Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (EV) and the John Molson (MB) Building. On Loyola Campus, they happen in the Richard J. Renaud Science Complex (SP).