‘A tangible way to double our research’

Preventive health, sleep and cognition, carbon budgets — these are just three of the topics covered by the new Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowships at Concordia.
“It’s going to be a game changer for the university,” says Paula Wood-Adams, dean of Graduate Studies. “The idea is to bring in fresh ideas and new people. Here is a tangible way to double our research — one of our strategic directions. This will definitely put Concordia on the map.”
31 new research opportunities
The Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowships are two-year positions, with an annual salary of $47,500 plus benefits. This is the start of an ongoing program, with 25 postdoctoral fellowships earmarked annually moving forward.
The priority is to recruit new postdoctoral fellows to the university, tapping into the deep pool of eligible talent across Quebec, Canada and internationally.
Growing the postdoc community
“Some of the best talent out there is at the postdoc stage,” says Graham Carr, VP Research and Graduate Studies. “The new postdocs are great for Concordia because they let us recruit young researchers nationally and internationally, across a wide range of disciplines and departments. It has always been a priority and an aspiration to grow our postdoc community, inspired by the University of Calgary’s successful strategy.”
The new Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowships do not replace the existing postdoc fellowships at Concordia; they simply expand the offering. The application deadline is October 31, but it’s an open process, with ongoing assessment and selection throughout the summer and fall — in other words, don’t wait.
Primed for post-doctoral contributions
The impact of the projects arising from these new positions is expected to be significant.
Steven High, a professor in the Department of History and founding member of the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, is one of the program’s supervisors.
He says the Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Web Mapping and Oral History will contribute to a project charting the life stories of survivors of the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
“It will help us in the development of a new digital tool that will enable us to map narrated experiences, both individually and collectively,” says Steven High, one of the program’s supervisors.
“Those displaced by the violence in Rwanda (both in 1994 and in the waves of anti-Tutsi violence beforehand) were forced to live in neighbouring countries. From there, they scattered across the world and thousands found sanctuary in Montreal.”
Apply for a new Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowship at Concordia. Applicants must adhere to the postdoctoral fellow eligibility criteria outlined in Concordia University’s Postdoctoral Policy.