5 awesome health services you should know about

Whether you want to quit smoking or treat your strep throat, Health Services’ team of nurses, family doctors, psychiatrists and health-promotion specialists are on campus five days a week to address your wellness concerns.
Take full advantage of your student services and get to know what’s available here at Concordia.
1. Pap clinics
Stay one step ahead of cervical cancer. The Canadian Cancer Society recommends sexually active women over the age of 21 get a pap test every one to three years.
Concordia offers pap clinics several times a month. Book an appointment today, and check the Health Services’ Pap Test Page to learn how to prepare for this important test.
2. Health-promotion outreach (Healthy YOU at CU)
Your health is your greatest resource — during university and after! The things you do day-to-day have a tremendous impact on your health, and in turn, on your academic and professional success.
At the weekly wellness outreach, Concordians can speak with a health-promotion specialist, book an appointment on the spot, and pick up some reliable, evidence-based information on how they can improve their health and reach their health goals.
3. Appointments with health professionals
Did you know you can book an appointment with a nurse for sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing contraception counselling treatment of simple urinary tract infections, strep throat, and more? Don't hesitate to call for a consultation when needed. You can also book an appointment with a family doctor.
Are you interested in making changes for better health such as quitting smoking, eating better, achieving a healthy weight, and more? Campus Wellness and Support Services has Health Promotion Specialists who can help you on your journey to healthier living.
Contact them to book an appointment. This service is free of charge.
4. Vaccination
Many Concordians are not up-to-date in their vaccines; this puts them at higher risk of getting and spreading infections.
That’s why the Routine Adult Vaccine Program, exists. Make an appointment today to review your history, ask questions and receive any shots you may be missing.
Health Services’ annual flu shot clinics are tentatively scheduled to open November 15. Keep an eye on our website for updates.
5. Walk-in clinic for uncomplicated medical conditions
Urgent care services are available to all students, faculty and staff in need of same-day medical attention that does not require hospital-based services.
The clinic works on a first-come, first-served basis. On-site doctors can treat a range of medical conditions including asthma, lacerations, pain, shortness of breath, allergies and infections.
Registration begins at 9 a.m. It’s best to show up early to avoid a wait.
Find out more about what Health Services has to offer.