ENGR 213: Register Now for Peer Supported Study Group
Gina Cody School students registered in ENGR 213: Applied Ordinary Differential Equations who feel that they need help to suceeed have access to the “Peer Supported Study Group” program this winter.
Each study group will be supervised by a student leader who will coordinate the sessions, provide problems, answer questions and motivate groups.
Student who are attending these sessions will be solving problems in collaboration with their peers to get ready for their upcoming exams, and receive direct support from the student leaders for more detailed explanations of topics when needed.
Sessions are offered weekly from January 31 to April 13:
- Tuesdays 12:00 – 13:30 – EV 11.119
- Thursdays 11:30 – 13:00 – EV 11.119
Limited space is available for each session.
Register now to save your spot!
Contact Student Academic Services