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Conferences & lectures

e.SCAPE and a seminal discussion on teaching at Concordia

Date & time
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Jen Ross, lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, co-creator of the E-Learning and Digital Cultures MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and the Manifesto for Teaching Online


This event is free


Concordia University


Emilie Martel
514-848-2424 ext. 4847


Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex
1515 St. Catherine W.
Room EV-2.260

Accessible location


Interested in digital education? Want to help define our teaching values? Join our vibrant community of students, faculty and staff at our annual e.SCAPE!

Following the presentation, you can play a seminal role in a discussion on teaching at Concordia.

This event will take place in two locations, simultaneously:

Room EV-2.260
Engineering and Visual Arts Complex
(1515 St. Catherine W.)
Sir George William Campus

Room CC-101
Central Building
(7141 Sherbrooke W.)
Loyola Campus

e.SCAPE – annual conference on digital learning

Dr. Jen Ross, lecturer at the University of Edinburgh, co-creator of the E-Learning and Digital Cultures MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and the Manifesto for Teaching Online will present to us live from Edinburgh, Scotland on the SGW and Loyola Campuses.

Commemorating the 10-year anniversary of the MSc in Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh, Dr. Ross will discuss the emerging challenges and opportunities in digital education and provide us with a peek at the newly revised Manifesto for Teaching Online ( Dr. Ross will then open the floor to an interactive question and discussion period.

Teach for Tomorrow

Help launch our discussion on teaching as part of phase two of the university’s Strategic Directions initiative (we’ve arrived at nine directions). You’ll have the chance to weigh in on what represents good teaching and how this fosters a next-generation real education. The Teach for Tomorrow direction is grounded in fundamental and transformative experiences for our students. So, please bring your ideas, stories and your voice to this important conversation.  No need to register, just drop by!


If you can’t make it to EV-2.260 or CC-101, we have 20 licenses available so that you can participate online. Click here to get your license. First come, first served! Refreshments will be served.

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