Lectures & Events
Upcoming lectures & events
What does cutting-edge research in philosophy look like? What are pressing and enduring questions it uncovers, and ways of addressing them? This event offers a taste. From enduring questions about the nature of morality and human experience, to urgent questions about how to overcome oppression, research conducted in Concordia’s Department of Philosophy reflects this diversity.
The Kristeva Circle supports research on, or influenced by, philosopher, psychoanalyst and novelist Julia Kristeva. The Circle holds regular gatherings to establish and advance Kristeva scholarship nationally and internationally. During these gatherings, scholars from a variety of fields and disciplines exchange ideas and collaborate on projects related to the work of Julia Kristeva.
Join the Graduate Program Director and Graduate Program Assistant for a discussion about the MA program, the Research Thesis and Monograph Thesis options, and how to apply.
Jessica Gelber is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto. Her primary area of research is Classical Greek and Roman Philosophy, with particular interests in foundational issues in ancient medicine and science.
Daniel Steel is Associate Professor at the W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics and the School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia.
Recent lectures & events
Eric Marcus is Professor of Philosophy at Auburn University. His second book "Belief, Inference, and the Self-Conscious Mind" was published by Oxford University Press in 2021.
Laura Tomlinson Makin is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Colgate University. She mainly works in ethics, metaethics, and philosophy of action.
Thought, Reason, Logic: Celebrating Three New Books
Queer Becomings: Deleuze and Guattari's Critique of Static Identity Categories
Solitude in a Phantasmal World: The Crisis of Modernity According to the Young Hegel
Mencius on Xin and Xing
Revising the Capability Approach: Adaptive Preferences and Avoiding Paternalism
Élaboration d’une approche utilitariste pour une défense de l’allocation universelle
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Affiliated Lecture Series
Centre de recherche en éthique (CRÉ) (Profs. Matthew Barker, Pablo Gilabert)
Groupe de recherche en éthique environmentale et animale (GRÉEA) (Prof. Matthew Barker)
Inter-University Research Group in Political Philosophy (GRIPP) (Profs. Matthias Fritsch, Pablo Gilabert)
Inter-University Research Group in Normativity (GRIN) (Profs. Murray Clarke, Ulf Hlobil, Katharina Nieswandt)
Loyola Sustainability Research Centre (LSRC) (Profs. Matthew Barker, Matthias Fritsch)
Montreal Inter-University Workshop in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics (Prof. Greg Lavers)
Montreal Philosophy of Science Network (Prof. Matthew Barker)