Tour the CZEBS facilties and learn some more about our team.
Concordia's atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel: The effects of wind on solar panels installed on the roof of a building.
Concordia's atmospheric boundary layer wind tunnel with a building model on its turntable, superviser: Dr. Stathopoulos.
Proximity model of downtown Montreal in Concordia's boundary layer wind tunnel, superviser: Dr. Stathopoulos.
Internat STPV close-up
Internat STPV on test chamber
Kott SIP demo home
Kott test hut
Kott test hut
Wind tunnel test of unglazed transpired collectors installed on the JMSB building of Concordia University, superviser: Dr. Stathopoulos.
Wind effects on unglazed transpired collectors, superviser: Dr. Stathopoulos.
Panelists on Day 2 of 2nd AGM. From left Wayne Change (Pivolrry Consulting), Andreas Athienitis, Andrew Kinross (Navigant), Sevag Pogharian (Montreal ZERO), Jean-Francois Couturier (UNICEL), John Shou (HCDT Group International Ltd.), Anil Parekh (CanmetENERGY, NRCan), Livio Nichilo (Internat Energy Solutions)
Four of this year's eight Circle of Distinction inductees, from left: Ahmed A. Kishk and Pragasen Pillay (both in electrical and computer engineering), Steven Appelbaum (management), and Andreas Athienitis (building, civil and environmental engineering). Missing: Oscar Pekau and Rama Bhat.
A SIP demonstration house was built by the Kott Group in Iqaluit, Nunavut with SIPs (structural insulated panels). A web connected, multichannel battery powered wireless data logger was installed for continuous remote monitoring of building performance.,
Calorimeter completed with an absorber plate. It has been used to evaluate the SHGC of two STPV panels systems.
Visitors German composed of mechanical, energy, civil and chemical engineers visited the SSEC lab on Sep. 20, 2012.
ECHO - Solar Decathlon House 2013 on parking lot of Algonquin College, by Team Ontario, Queens University, Carleton University, and Algonquin College. Photo taken on the house without solar panels on May 24, 2013. Solar Decathlon 2013 will be held during October 3-13 at the Orange County Great Park in Irvine, California.
Experimental setup for measuring glass deflection of 12 vision control panels (IGUs with build-in mechanized blinds) under temperature variations. IGUs provided and installed by Unicel Architectural. Photo on the right, a LVDT (Linear variable differential transformer) probe was mounted on the exterior of an IGU.
Unicel deflection test
Unicel deflection test
Unicel IGU in test chamber Unicel 2013 Apr (18)
Visitors German composed of mechanical, energy, civil and chemical engineers visited the SSEC lab on Sep. 20, 2012.
President and Vice-Chancellor, Alan Shepard, visited the Solar Simulator - Environmental Chamber (SSEC) lab on August 20th, 2012. Left to right: Jonathan Levinson (Chief of Staff, Office of President), Alan Shepard, Andreas Athienitis and Josef Ayoub (Network Manager of SNEBRN).
President and Vice-Chancellor Alan Shepard visited the Solar Simulator - Environmental Chamber (SSEC) lab on August 20th, 2012. Left to right: Jiwu Rao, Tingting Yang, Caroline Hachem, Jacques Payer, Diane Bastien, Josef Ayoub, Andreas Athienitis, Alan Shepard, and Yuxiang Chen.
A $4.6-million overall investment has the facility equipped with cutting-edge technology to rate the ability of a building’s envelope to store heat and to resist frost/thaw damage, air infiltration, condensation and other adverse conditions. The chamber is also equipped to test composite materials and structures, such as floors and windows with special coatings.