Don’t miss the Bookstore Feedback Forum

Michael Di Grappa, Concordia’s vice-president of services and sustainability, will host a Bookstore Feedback Forum on April 7 — and he wants to hear from the university community.
Di Grappa will be joined by Sabrina Lavoie, executive director of budget planning and business development, as well as partners from the Follett Higher Education Group, which took over operations of the Concordia Bookstore on June 1, 2020.
“It is important for us to have a good understanding of the needs of our students, faculty and staff so we can respond to them to the best of our abilities,” says Di Grappa.
“It’s also important for us to know how those diverse needs evolve over time. After its first full year in operation, we want to ensure that our new partnership with Follett is working for the community so we can enhance operations where needed.”
As part of its broad mandate to improve its offerings and strengthen the community’s experience, the Services and Sustainability sector regularly hosts roundtable discussions to gather feedback on internal services.
This April, the theme will be Concordia’s Bookstore operations. The event will take place virtually over Zoom. Everyone at the university is welcome to register. Those registering will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the meeting.
How will this work in a virtual environment?
Participants will be asked to keep their mics on mute. Anyone with questions or comments should type “question” or “comment” into the Zoom Q&A feature and will be given a chance to speak in order of appearance.
Those who cannot attend but still want to contribute can send an email to
See the Concordia Book Stop’s full line of services and products.