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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

Hoodies, socks, tuques and toys: give the gift of Concordia pride

Holiday sale offers great deals on apparel and memorabilia at the bookstores
November 24, 2014
By Campus Retail Stores

These T-shirts for future Concordians are just $7.99 Check out the T-shirts for future Concordians. | Photos by Stefan Guntermann
"Somebody at Concordia University loves me" sweatshirts for kids are available in grey, pink purple or blue for just $12.99. "Somebody at Concordia University loves me" sweatshirts for kids are available in grey, pink, purple and blue.

The giving season is upon us. Why not declare your feelings with a "Somebody at Concordia University loves me" sweatshirt? Giving a Concordia shirt also benefits students because the profits support the university's mission as an educational institution.

Until December 23, Campus Retail Stores is offering discounts on apparel, memorabilia and more:

  • Kids clothes (T-shirts, hoodies, bibs)
  • Winter gear (jackets, fleeces, winter vests)
  • Sweatshirts for Mom and Dad
  • Pyjama bottoms

There are even discounts on plush toys, computers, peripherals and accessories, including a portable external battery to charge other devices.

Check out the full catalogue. You're bound to find something for everyone on your list.

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