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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

'Win Your Purchase' winners announced

Bookstore pays out $1,356 to five lucky students
October 22, 2014

From left: Julien Dery, Francesca Calabrese, Jonathan Linton, Stephanie Juteau, Ashley Zarbatany and Daniel Houde, director of Campus Retail Stores. | Photo courtesy of Campus Retails Stores

Daniel Houde, director of Concordia's Campus Retail Stores, is happy to announce the winners of the "win your purchase" contest held from August 11 to September 26, 2014.

Of the more than 40,000 entries received, five receipts were randomly drawn, allowing five lucky students to be refunded for the value of their purchases. They are:

  • Julien Dery, history student
  • Francesca Calabrese, a student in management
  • Jonathan Linton, a computer science student
  • Stephanie Juteau, a student of contemporary dance
  • Ashley Zarbatany, a history student.

In total, the Campus Retails Stores paid out $1,356.30 to the five lucky winners.

Check out the Concordia swag on sale at the Campus Retails Stores.

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