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Videos of fall 2020 events

In the fall semester 2020, the Institute hosted five events. Video recordings of sessions are all available on our YouTube channel.

Can Trump Win the Upcoming November Election?

Fred Block, University of California, Davis; Robert Kuttner, Co-Editor of The American Prospect; Margaret R. Somers, University of Michigan. Moderator: Daniel Salée, Concordia University. (Tuesday, October 27, 2020).

Démocratiser le travail: Une conversation sur les leçons de la pandémie

Auteures du Manifeste: Adelle Blackett, Université McGill; Isabelle Ferreras, UCLouvain; Dominique Méda, Université Paris Dauphine. Commentaires: Nil Ataogul, TUA; Pierre-Antoine Harvey, CSQ; Josée Lamoureux, CSN; Jonathan Vallée-Payette, FTQ. Modérateurs: Marguerite Mendelll, Université Concordia and Gregor Murray, Université de Montréal. In collaboration with Partenariat du CRIMT sur l'expérimentation institutionnelle et l'amélioration du travail and de l’Industrie 4.0, travail et emploi de l’Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’IA et du numérique. (Tuesday, November 17, 2020).

Democratizing Work: A Conversation on the Lessons of the Current Pandemic for the World of Work. Dialogue about the Democratizing Work Manifesto. 

Manifesto Authors: Julie Battilana, Harvard University and Isabelle Ferreras, Université catholique de Louvain. Discussants: Lana Payne, UNIFOR; Andrew Jackson, Broadbent Institute; Esteban Kelly, U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives; Jim Stanford, Centre for Future Work. Moderators: Marguerite Mendell, Concordia University and Gregor Murray, Université de Montréal.  In collaboration with CRIMT Partnership on Institutional Experimentation for Better Work and Industry 4.0, Work and Employment of the International Observatory of the Societal Impacts of AI and Digital Technology. (Wednesday, November 18, 2020).

Brexit, Trump, Deindustrialization & the Politics of Our Time: A Round Table

Stefan Berger, Ruhr University – Bochum; James Rhodes, University of Manchester; Petra Dolata, University of Calgary; Lachlan MacKinnon, Cape Breton University. Chairperson: Steven High, Concordia University. (Friday, November 27, 2020).

Book Launch: Karl Polanyi and the Contemporary Political Crisis by Peadar Kirby, University of Limerick, Ireland

Lucy Russell, Editor, Bloomsbury Publishing; Peadar Kirby, University of Limerick, Ireland; and Attila Melegh, Director, Karl Polanyi Center for Global Studies, Budapest, Hungary. A Message from Michael Higgins, President of Ireland was read at the event. Moderator: Margie Mendell, Concordia University (Wednesday, December 9, 2020).  The event organized in collaboration with Bloomsbury Publishing, London, U.K.

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