Release of the first minisode of the HERMES research team podcast series The new face of online games

The Research Team on Lifestyle and Multidisciplinary Research (HERMES) has released its first minisode of its podcast series title Hybrid games: Candy Crush as an example.
In this first minisode, the researchers take on the subject of “free-to-play” games (F2P) through a specific example: Candy Crush.
- What is Candy Crush and how does it compare to other F2P games?
- What sets apart hybrid games such as Candy Crush?
- What is the impact of hybrid games on players?
- What strategies do games like Candy Crush use to draw players in?
With the minisodes, which will be released throughout the podcast series, the HERMES team hopes to cover in more detail specific topics also addressed in the longer episodes. If you are not able to tune in or if you would like a different perspective on what you heard in the long episodes, the minisodes might just be what you need!
You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on the HERMES’s website or find it on iTunes, Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
About the podcast series The new face of online games
Launched in November 2020, this podcast series discusses the emerging nature of hybrid games that lie at the boundaries of gambling and video gaming. The researchers from the Multidisciplinary Research Team on Lifestyle (HERMES) also address the impact of hybrid games on the behaviour of individuals and on communities.
About the research team HERMES
Established in 2012, the HERMES research partnership team is led by Dr. Sylvia Kairouz, full professor in the department of Sociology and Anthropology at Concordia University. It gathers researchers and clinicians specialized in the field of addiction studies from six universities in Québec and Europe and clinicians from the health sector. The HERMES team aims to generate a body of scientific knowledge regarding the reality of digital gambling that is useful for both researchers and clinicians, and to supports prevention initiatives and treatment.