Kids go through clothing, gear, toys and books so fast, it's often hard to keep up. During the last week of Campus Sustainability Month, Concordia University's Centre for Creative Reuse (CUCCR), Concordia University Student Parents Centre (CUSP), the CSU Daycare & Nursery, CPE les P'tits Profs, and CPE Concordia are teaming up to help parents reduce waste by asking them to donate what they no longer need and take home what their kids can use!
Open to Staff, Students, Faculty, Alumni ONLY
How to donate before the event:
Drop off at CUSP (1175 Rue St-Mathieu 10-4pm )
Drop off at your kids participating daycare (CSU/CPE Concordia/CPE les P'tits Profs)
Please donate only clean and useful items and the last day to donate is Tuesday, October 31st