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Workshops & seminars

Let's talk: Assessment design for learning


Date & time
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
10 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Registration is closed

Other dates

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Ariel Harlap Instructional Designer, Cristina Galofre Gomez Instructional Designer, Josephine Guan Instructional Designer, Alicia Cundell Teaching Consultant


This event is free



Let's talk is CTL's monthly series of practical, 1-hour, online discussions on an essential topic for teaching and learning.

This winter 2024, the theme is assessment design for learning, and we will explore the following subtopics:

  • March: Mixed-mode exams practices

  • April: Decolonizing and holistic assessment practices

Before and after each session, we will share good practices, thought-provoking questions, key research articles, and takeaways from the conversation. If you have an assessment practice or artifact you'd like to share for 5-10 minutes at the above sessions, please get in touch with us.

Format: Discussion

Participants: Faculty - 50 MAX

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