Find the River tells the story of a man searching for his unknown grandfather. In this search for his origins, he will find clues to understand his identity and masculinity in a middle-class Peruvian context.
Written, directed and performed by Diego López, this work-in-progress version is part of his Ph.D. research-creation project. He will try to answer how Testimonial Theatre can guide audiences to search their origins to review their conceptions of identity and masculinity and, eventually, transform them. The autoethnographic creative process involves collecting and selecting memory material, ludic work with objects and photos, and stage development.
Diego López is a philosopher with a Master’s degree from the Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). He is also a scriptwriter, playwright, actor and theatre director. As an actor, he performed in Peruvian plays like Los cachorros (M. Vargas Llosa), Padre Nuestro (M. de Althaus), ¿Quieres estar conmigo? (A. Cabada and R. Ángeles) and Dos para el camino (C. De María). He has directed more than fifteen plays, including Golosina, Sabotaje (Otras A-puestas Festival Award 2006), Karaoke, La Cantante Calva, Madrugada, Números Reales (PROART PUCP Award 2015), Night Club Bilderberg, La rebelión de los conceptos, and Pana Call Center. In 2017, he was selected for the VII International Seminar of Dramaturgy Panorama Sur in Buenos Aires. With Peruvian film director Fernando Villarán, he co-wrote Viejas Amigas’s screenplay, which won the Feature Film Project Competition of the Ministry of Culture 2019 (filmed in September 2022). He has taught Philosophy, Ethics and Academic Research courses and is currently studying in the Humanities PhD program at Concordia University.