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Student profile

Isabella Walter

1st-time Dean's List Award Winner — 2021-2022 Mechanical Engineering

Isabella Walter
Experiential learning

About Isabella

Isabella is a third-year mechanical engineering student interested in manufacturing, materials, and testing. She has completed an internship in aerospace and is looking forward to exploring what other engineering industries have to offer. Outside of her academics, Isabella has a keen interest in playing musical instruments, staying active, and spending time with friends and family.


  • Gina Cody Scholarship


  • Troitsky Bridge Competition


  • Test Engineering Intern at Bombardier

Her best study tip...

Learn what works best for you. Each person learns differently and will therefore have to study differently. What works for me is reviewing the material before starting practice problems. I write study sheets with summaries of each chapter so I understand the content, rather than memorize it. Don’t forget to take breaks!

Her best experience so far...

My best memories at university have been with the friends I have met here. I found a great group of friends in engineering very early on in my first semester. Whether we are in class together, at the Concordia gym, or spending time together outside of school, I have fun with them every time. I have made some of my fondest memories with them. They have enriched my university experience and have made my classes lots of fun.

Her favourite part about her program...

My favourite part of mechanical engineering at Concordia is the professors. I’ve been lucky enough to have a set of amazing, passionate professors who easily engage their students. They have made learning the course content much easier for me and have sparked my interest in many fields.

Isabella's next big goal

My next big goal is to find an engaging and educational internship, ideally in the automotive, railway, or energy industries. I want to use my internships to explore different industries, and discover which one I want to pursue in my career.

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