While there has been significant research on the violence against women in Colombia, far less has been done to explore acts of community resilience, often led by women, and the strategies they have built to collectively overcome trauma. This research project will seek to understand the role of community resilience in helping women cope with the trauma of violence. How have women been involved in and impacted by conflict in Colombia? What collective resilience strategies have women developed in response to experiences of violence? What has memory narratives’ role in the construction of collective resilience?
Andrés Arteaga is an Associate Professor in Spanish and Latin American Studies at the Department of Languages and Cultures at Saint Mary´s University in Halifax, Canada. His research focuses on the exercise of writing after social and individual trauma, including victims of political violence in Colombia, Latin American émigré authors and the Latin American community in Atlantic Canada. He has published peer reviewed articles on Revista de Estudios Colombianos, Letras Hispanas, Affectio Societatis and Diálogos: Revista de Estudos Culturais e da contemporaneidad.
He has published the following books:
Arteaga, A. Dam-Mazzi, M (2022). Voces de la pandemia: Stories written during the COVID19 pandemic by the Hispanic Community in Atlantic Canada. Aguamala Editorial, Halifax 2022. E-Book
Arteaga, Andrés (2019). Levaduras de destrucción. Melancolía y desvanecimiento del yo en la obra de Álvaro Mutis. Editorial Biblos. Buenos Aires.
Arteaga, A. (2016) El Refugio del Fenix: El Final de una noche de agonía. Textos sobre Guerra y reconciliación en Colombia / Phoenix’s Haven: The End of a Night of agony. Writings about war and reconcilitation in Colombia. Broken Jaw Press, Fredericton, Canada. 2016.
Arteaga, A. & Rozotto, David (2013). Notas Viajeras. Escritura de viajes y testimonio. Nuevos Autores Latino-Canadienses. Brokenjaw Press, Fredericton, Canada. 2013.