We study adult human neuropsychology and the neuropsychology of aging.
Fields of study
In the Phillips lab, we are interested in learning more about adult human neuropsychology and the neuropsychology of aging, with an emphasis on integrating cognitive, neuropsychological, and brain-imaging measures of brain function. Recently, we have been studying cognitive and sensory changes in older adults with or at risk for dementia.
Current projects
There are four major themes in my research:
1. The neurocognitive factors of aging, especially in older adults with or at risk for dementia
2. The complex relationships between sensory factors (hearing, vision, olfaction), cognition, and brain anatomy and functional connectivity
3. The relationship between bilingualism/multilingualism and cognition and brain function
4. Continued development of and research involving the Montreal Cognitive Assessment
We are always interested in having creative and hard working students join the lab! Students are encouraged to familiarize themselves with my current areas of research.
Potential graduate students interested in applying to either the General or Clinical graduate programmes should review the submission requirements. You are welcome to contact me in advance, Please note that I will be reviewing all graduate applications together, once the official program application deadline has passed.
Interested? Email a letter describing your research interests and experience, your C.V and a current copy of your transcript to Natalie Phillips.

Participate in our research!
Dementia Research
Canada’s largest study on dementia, the Comprehensive Assessment of Neurodegeneration and Dementia (COMPASS-ND) Study, is currently seeking:
Men aged 60 years and older without cognitive impairment
Women aged 50 years and older with Alzheimer’s disease
Please get in touch with CCNA.RA@ladydavis.ca to learn more about how to participate in Canada’s largest study on aging and dementia!