Annual Prize for Best Undergraduate Paper
Have you written a good essay on any philosophical topic?
The Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce a new Annual Prize for Best Undergraduate Paper. The award is open to full- or part-time students in good academic standing and enrolled in courses at Concordia University, in the Department of Philosophy. Papers on any philosophical topic may be submitted, however each paper submission must be accompanied by a nomination letter written by a professor.
PROCEDURE: Instructors in the Department of Philosophy nominate students by writing a letter (max. 500 words) that addresses their merits for the award. Students may also contact instructors to request to be nominated. The letter of nomination, together with a paper by the student that supports the nomination, are to be submitted by email to the Undergraduate Program Director. The nominations will be reviewed by a faculty committee in the department, which recommends a recipient. The criteria for selection will track the philosophical excellence of the papers, including clarity, originality, and quality of argument.
DEADLINE TO APPLY: Usually in May each year, to be announced.
AWARD: $300 and a letter recognizing the award and the student’s accomplishment.
Should you have any questions, please contact the Undergraduate Program Director Dr. Pablo Gilabert.