Media in Burundi
The media operate in a difficult and turbulent environment in Burundi forcing journalist to exercise self-censorship. While, the government also practices occasional censorship, diverse political views are represented and the opposition has its own media outlet. Nonetheless, in November 2011, HRW urged government officials to halt their intensifying pressure and alleged human rights abuses against media professionals.
As a result of Burundi’s low literacy level, the newspaper readership is low. As in other African countries, radio remains the main sources of information. Unlike other radio and tv stations, state-controlled La Radiodiffusion and Television Nationale de Burundi (RTNB) are able to air nationally t. The state-run newspaper is also the only media-outlet that manages to publish regularly. There are about 10 privately-owned radio stations.
BBC World service, RFI and Voice of America also manage to broadcast in several areas, mainly in the capital.