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Community Partnerships

ALLab works with a number of community organizations outside
Concordia University.

AGAPE for Colombia

Our goal is to strengthen the social fabric through reconciliation gatherings conducted in presence of victims of the armed conflict, former combatants and members of civil society in search of peace.

Centre de Services de Justice Réparatrice

The Centre for Services in Restorative Justice (CSJR) accompany people affected by an act of violence or a criminal offence who wish to engage in a restorative process based on encounter, sharing and dialogue. It makes the community aware of the inclusive approach to restorative justice for social peace. Restorative justice is a process of dialogue and sharing of experiences in a group setting that allows people affected by violence (victims, offenders, community members) to find ways of repairing the harm done. It thus promotes the healing of the social bond that was broken due to the events experienced. This philosophy relies on the conviction that human beings are capable of recovering from any difficulty, getting back on their feet and healing themselves. It also relies on the idea that justice can be carried out in a way that is more humane and community-based. Restorative justice is concerned both with offenders ― to help them gain awareness of the impact of their actions on people and society ― and victims ― to help them free themselves from the destructive emotions and beliefs induced by that criminal act. Viewing justice this way has an important impact on the community because it strengthens the social fabric through empowerment and mutual understanding. The CSJR brings together people who committed a crime and people suffering the consequences of a similar one, alongside members of the community for them to discuss and together repair what those crimes have broken. Its services are offered in Québec, essentially in the Greater Montreal Area. But they are also being developed in the Laurentians, Eastern Townships, Centre-du-Québec and Lanaudière regions.

Foro Internacional de Víctimas

Somos más de cinco millones de colombianos y colombianas los que vivimos fuera del país”. Hemos llegado a los rincones más apartados del mundo, algunos tan lejanos y diferentes como Islandia, y otros más cercanos como Venezuela, Ecuador, Panamá, Estados Unidos o España, donde residen gran cantidad de conciudadanos que salieron de Colombia como exiliados o buscando un futuro mejor. Desde el exterior, consideramos que la paz no tiene fronteras y por ello, muchos migrantes y exiliados, víctimas de todos los actores armados del conflicto, creamos el Foro como mecanismo de comunicación, organización y acción participativa. Nuestro objetivo es recoger las reflexiones y propuestas de la sociedad civil en el extranjero en torno a la  paz, y hacer un llamado a todos los colombianos y colombianas que quieran participar,  como sujetos activos en las actuales negociaciones entre el Gobierno Nacional y las FARC-EP y  las previstas con el ELN. Nuestro aporte al país puede ser muy valioso si tenemos en cuenta que las cifras nos sitúan como el segundo departamento del país, superado sólo por Bogotá, lo que en términos socio-políticos refleja la variedad de la diáspora, y en términos económicos revela que somos el principal contribuyente de divisas, aportando alrededor de 3 mil millones de dólares al año en remesas.

Contact the 
Acts of Listening Lab

514-848-2424, ext. 5465

General inquiries

Visit the Lab

J.W. McConnell (LB) Building
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W. 
Montreal, QC
H3G IM8 

Mailing address

Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling and Acts of Listening Lab
Concordia University
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W. 
Montreal, QC
H3G 1M8

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