Updated asbestos safety training and materials inventory
As per Quebec Occupational Health and Safety regulations, Concordia maintains an inventory of materials and products containing asbestos. The inventory includes information on the location, type, and state of materials in university buildings.
According the university’s Asbestos Management Program, employees who wants to consult the register or seek more information on asbestos can submit an access request through a new MS Form.
New asbestos training available to all employees
As part of the Asbestos Management Program, EHS now offer three different levels of asbestos safety training:
- Level 1: Introduction to Asbestos
- Level 2: Asbestos Management
- Level 3: Practical
The first one is available on-line, the other two in person.
Introduction to Asbestos
The level 1 module covers the health risks associated with working with asbestos and asbestos-containing materials. The training explains provincial regulations concerning asbestos, how to avoid asbestos exposure, and the procedures prescribed by regulations. Concordia’s Asbestos Management Program is introduced, and the responsibilities of the various stakeholders is presented. The training takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete.
One change from past years is that “Introduction to Asbestos” is now available to all university employees as a self-directed, interactive on-line training. It is available in English and French through the university’s Learning Management System on Unity. For help accessing the training, follow this guide.
Though “Introduction to Asbestos” is an optional training for most employees, in cases where it is required, supervisors will inform team members to take it.
More information
Information on Concordia’s Asbestos Management Program is available to all employees through the EHS Carrefour page.
If you have any questions, please contact EHS at 514-848-2424 ext. 4877 or at