Benefits of managing stress
Ongoing stress can lead to many health problems. Learn the benefits of managing your stress!
Source: Health Services

When you experience stress, your body's alarm system is activated. This fight-or-flight response stimulates many of your body's processes so that you are prepared to deal with danger. Keeping your body in a stimulated state, especially if stress continues for extended periods of time, contributes to physical, mental and social problems. By managing your stress, you will reduce your risk of many problems.
Extended periods of stress (and even short bouts of stess) contribute to an increased risk for many health problems. Stress-related physical and mental health problems include:
- heart disease
- high blood pressure
- stomach problems
- respiratory problems
- type II diabetes
- back problems
- headaches and migraines
- obesity
- skin problems
- mental health problems (e.g., anxiety, depression)
- immune system problems
- alcohol and drug use and abuse
- tobacco use
- violence and aggressive behaviour
- accidents
- sleep problems
- sexual problems