Enter to win what you bought at the bookstores

The team at Campus Retail Stores is pleased to invite students to participate in the third annual Win Your Entire Purchase contest. Five students will be reimbursed for the total amount of everything they bought on a randomly drawn receipt — textbooks, school supplies, Concordia apparel or even a PC.
The contest is being held at all Campus Retail Store locations until September 25. This includes both bookstores and computer stores, Campus Corner and the Art Supply Store.
How to enter
Entering the Win Your Entire Purchase contest is easy: simply write your name, email and phone number on your receipt and place it in one of the ballot boxes at the entrance of each store.
Five receipts will be randomly chosen from all of the entries on September 30. Winners, who will be reimbursed for the total amount on the receipt drawn, will be announced shortly thereafter.
"Last year, we received more than 40,000 entries and five lucky students were refunded the total value of their purchases, totalling over $1,200,” says Daniel Houde, director of Campus Retail Stores. “The response from students was great, especially at a time where they must contend with many expenses early in the school year.”