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Want to start a club?

Follow these four steps
October 17, 2013
By Aviva Engel


University life is about so much more than in-class learning.

It’s about engagement, diversity and being part of a community – values that are celebrated by Concordia’s hundreds of student associations and independent groups.

Thinking of starting a club? Here’s what you need to do.

1.    Stop by the Dean of Students Office

From procedural tips to the interpretation of departmental policies, Concordia’s Dean of Students Office is here to facilitate your club’s creation and success.

With locations on both campuses, it’s the place to go to obtain the necessary documentation, and book space for student events.

2.    Define your club

Most student associations at Concordia fall under social, cultural, religious or academic banners.

Academic clubs have umbrella groups. For a social, cultural or religious club, you’ll need to connect with the CSU clubs director. Be sure to ask about application deadlines.

If your club is better suited to acting autonomously, the Dean of Students may permit you to register as an independent.

3.    Write a constitution

Next, you’ll need todefine your club’s mission and goals  — what makes it unique from others on campus. Consider as well how it will be run – the governing positions, and the duties of those positions. You will need to provide three signing officers who will take financial responsibility for your club’s activities.

Copies of this constitution must then be forwarded to both the Dean of Students Office and your umbrella group.

You’ll also need to demonstrate public interest in your new club by garnering signatures from fellow students. While the numbers vary, most umbrella groups require a minimum of 50 signatures.

4.    Register your club

Once your new club has been formally approved, you’ll need to complete an online registration form and drop off a signed copy at one of the two Dean of Students Office locations.

Good luck!

For more information about starting a club, or to find out other ways of engaging on campus, contact the Dean of Students at 514-848-2424, ext. 3517 (SGW) or ext. 4239 (LOY).

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