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Wanted: Outstanding Concordians

Awards for remarkable contributions and volunteering - nominate someone today
January 24, 2013

Consider nominating a Concordian for an award for outstanding contribution or for volunteering. | Photo by Concordia University
Consider nominating a Concordian for an award for outstanding contribution or for volunteering. | Photo by Concordia University

The search is on for outstanding teachers, staff and students who go beyond what is expected to enrich university and community life.

The Concordia Council on Student Life is calling for nominations of individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to the university and to their communities through its 2013 Outstanding Contribution Awards and 2013 Volunteer Recognition Awards.

If you know a professor who mentors students outside of the classroom, a staff member who exceeds the expectations of his or her job, or a student whose involvement in a group enriches campus life, for example, consider nominating that person for an Outstanding Contribution Award.

To do so, complete a nomination form and submit it with a letter that explains your nominee’s contributions to student life. A letter from another campus community member supporting your nomination must be included.

The Volunteer Recognition Awards recognize Concordians who effect change in their local and global communities. The awards are open to students, faculty and staff who have made significant contributions in the voluntary sector by donating their time and talents to benefit their communities. To nominate a candidate, complete the nomination form and submit a letter that explains his or her volunteer involvement, along with a confirmation letter from the community organization.

The deadline for nominations has been extended to February 25, 2013, at 5 p.m.

Related links:
•   Concordia Council on Student Life
•   Outstanding Contribution Awards information
•   Outstanding Contribution Awards 2013 nomination form
•   Volunteer Recognition Awards information
•   Volunteer Recognition Awards 2013 nomination form

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