Trevor Kiernander, Art Mûr /Pictura Montreal

October 31 – December 19, 2020
Trevor Kiernander : Let’s Get Lost
Facebook event
Gallery tour
Trevor Kiernander’s works are the result of an evolving experimentation in deconstructing the traditions of painting; much like mixing and mastering music, his process considers notions of cutting, pasting, sampling, and the rhythmic relationships between colour and form. (continued)
As part of the event Pictura Montreal:
Echo: Charlene Hahne, Franziska Holstein, Franz Jyrch, Etienne Lafrance, James Low, Christine Nobel, Maria Schumacher, Matt Schust, Julia Lia Walter
Curator : Trevor Kiernander
Facebook event
Guided tour
Pictura is an event dedicated to the presentation and exhibition of contemporary painting in the expanded field, across the city of Montreal during the months of November and December 2020. De pictura comes from the Latin “On Painting”, a treatise written by Leon Battista Alberti in 1435, one of his three commentarii on art, and was used in the phrase “Ut pictura poesis” (as in painting, so in poetry) from Horace’s “Ars Poetica”.
Almost thirty galleries, artist-run spaces, and independent venues, will all exhibit painting at the same time, in order to showcase the diverse range of the medium and the importance of it in Montreal, a city which has long held a very strong history of painting.