Monique Moumblow. Compositions | Pale Shadows

2019.11.01 - 2020.03.07
Nicole Gingras
Opening on Friday, November 1 at 5:00 pm
Talk with the artist and curator at 5:30 pm
Monique Moumblow occupies a singular place in the history of Canadian video and contemporary art owing to the way she considers notions of identity, the private, and the personal. Her approach to narrative; the moving, imaginary and performative body; the voice as an anchor point in fiction; breath as the linkage to speech; her way of transforming familiar spaces into dreamscapes—have contributed to her emergence as an essential figure of video and performance art in Canada.
As a videomaker-writer or perhaps a writer-videomaker, Moumblow fashions ostensibly simple narratives in which ellipsis plays a prominent role. Her laconic pieces delineate unsettling fictional places, experiences of time and space that prompt us to stop, look and listen. Slowing down time the better to fathom it and probing silences to properly decode them are strategies she favours to engage with the space of writing and of memory. Stemming from exchanges extending over many years between Moumblow and guest curator Nicole Gingras, this exhibition features a selection of recent works, produced since 2012.
Centre de l'image contemporaine
Free admission
Opening hours
Exhibitions: Tuesday to Friday, 12:00 to 6:00 pm
+ Saturday, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Office: Tuesday to Friday, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm
VOX is situated at 2 Sainte-Catherine Street East (4th floor) just a few minutes away from the Saint-Laurent metro station.
Postal Address: 401 – 2 Sainte-Catherine Streat East, Montreal (QC), H2X 1K4
T : 514.390.0382