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Dr. Alice Ming Wai Jim is co-chair of the ISEA2020 artistic committee and student group EAHR presents an exhibition at the symposium

Professor Alice Ming Wai Jim is a co-chair of the ISEA2020 artistic committee. The theme of this year’s symposium is “Why sentience?” and examines the resurgence of sentience—feeling-sensing-making sense—in recent art and design, media studies, science and technology studies, philosophy, anthropology, history of science and the natural scientific realm—notably biology, neuroscience and computing.

Members from Concordia's Ethnocultural Art Histories Research (EAHR) group curated the online exhibition (pre)existing conditions: #eahr_isea2020, a selection of seven works resonating with the symposium’s theme of sentience, which were chosen from the group’s HEAR US NOW! BIPOC Instagram Project.

ISEA2020 is held entirely online from October 13-18, 2020.

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