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Call for applications: Jorisch Family Artist Residency

Residency opportunity at the Museum der Moderne in Salzburg, Austria
January 27, 2025

The Faculty of Fine Arts invites applications for the Jorisch Family Artist Residency, hosted by the Museum der Moderne, in Salzburg, Austria. This award provides a four-week summer residency in the Amelie Redlich Tower of the Musem der Moderne (MdMS) in Salzburg, Austria, for an outstanding graduate student in the visual arts, along with a financial award valued at $8,000.

Applications are open to all full-time graduate students in the Faculty of Fine Arts with a studio-based research-creation practice, including the MFA Studio Arts and MDes, as well as the MA/PhD Individualized Program (INDI) and the Interdisciplinary Humanities PhD Program (HUMA), with a primary supervisor in the Faculty of Fine Arts. This residency offers a valuable opportunity for dedicated studio time in spectacular surroundings. 

Candidates must demonstrate exceptional ability in their body of creative work. They will be assessed on their record of achievements to date, relevant experience and creative work, and on the quality of the research-creation program they propose. The deadline for applications is Friday, February 28, 2025, by 4 pm.

For full details, please consult the award details and application form.

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