23-29 November 2015
Weekly Media Monitoring report for the Central African Republic
Posted on December 11, 2015
Compiled by Christina Murphy
- Fighting between anti-balaka factions in Bégoua leaves 2 dead
1. Fighting between anti-balaka factions in Bégoua leaves two dead
"Deux morts et un blessé suite à un affrontement entre deux tendances des Anti-Balaka à Damala." Centrafrique Presse Info (CPI), 26 November 2015. In French.
- Two people were killed when fighting broke out between rival factions of an anti-balaka militia in the region of Bégoua.
- According to local sources, one of those killed was a member of the FACA, CAR's armed forces.
- No other information was given as to the cause of the fighting.