April 27 - May 03, 2015
1. International soldiers accused of sexually abusing minors
Privately-owned media
"Ouverture d'enquête sur des soldats français accusés de pédophilie à Bangui."
Radio Ndeke Luka, 30 April 2015. In French.
- According to a report published by a Central African child protection agency, several soldiers from the French Sangaris forces are suspected of sexually abusing young girls between the ages of 9 and 16 at the displacement camp Bangui M'Poko.
- The report alleges that soldiers required the girls to perform sexual acts in order to receive food at the camp.
- The Public Prosecutor in CAR announced that his office would be opening an investigation, and the report was also sent to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
- The article notes that there have been rumors of sexual misconduct by international forces for several months, but this is the first confirmed case.
International media
"Centrafrique: des soldats tchadiens et équato-guinéens aussi accusés de viol sur mineurs."
Jeune Afrique, 30 April 2015. In French.
- According to an internal report from the United Nations that was published in The Guardian, fourteen Sangaris soldiers, two Chadian soldiers, and two soldiers from Equatorial Guinea are accused of raping and sexually abusing minors. The soldiers from Chad and Equatorial Guinea were part of the pan-African MISCA force that preceded MINUSCA.
- A French investigation has confirmed that fourteen Sangaris soldiers are implicated, but no names have yet been released.
"Soldiers who abused Central African children must 'give themselves up', says defence minister."
RFI, 3 May 2015. In English.
- The French defense minister Jean Yves Le Drian gave an interview with the French newspaper Journal du Dimanche, confirming that fourteen Sangaris soldiers are accused of raping minors in displacement camps in return for food.
- Le Drian said that he received a leaked UN report detailing the allegations in July 2014, and that an internal army investigation was completed in August 2014. A French judicial probe is ongoing.
2. MINUSCA mandate renewed until April 2016
Privately-owned media
"Renouvellement de la Mission de l'ONU en Centrafrique."
Radio Ndeke Luka, 27 April 2015. In French.
- Hervé Ladsous, the head of UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations, recently met with the CAR foreign minister, Toussaint Kongo Doudou, to discuss the renewal of the mandate for MINUSCA troops in the country.
- Kongo Doudou expressed his satisfaction with MINUSCA's achievements thus far and thanked Ladsous for the mission's support of the transitional government. He did request greater support from MINUSCA in coming weeks to ensure that the Bangui Forum, scheduled for 4-11 May goes smoothly.
"Le Conseil de sécurité proroge le mandat de la Minusca pour un an."
UN.org, via Journal de Bangui, 29 May 2015. In French.
- The UN Security Council officially adopted a resolution extending the mandate of MINUSCA until 30 April 2016.
- The resolution reiterated the maximum number of authorized peacekeeping troops as 10,750 soldiers and 2,080 police, and asked troop contributing countries to furnish these contingents.
3. Alleged Chadian soldiers raid village in northwest CAR
Privately-owned media
"Bangui: musulmans et non musulmans pour les bases de la réconciliation nationale."
Radio Ndeke Luka, 2 May 2015. In French.
- A group of armed men believed to be Chadian soldiers raided the village of Bémbéré, in northwest CAR, on Friday 1 May.
- According to residents, the armed men stole at least five motorbikes and nearly all the villagers' cattle.
- MINUSCA was alerted of the attack, but there has been no information given out since.
4. Muslims in PK5 protest Bangui Forum quotas
International media
"RCA: les quotas du Forum de Bangui ne satisfont personne."
RFI, 30 April 2015. In French.
- Muslim residents of Bangui's PK5 neighborhood led a protest march to the MINUSCA headquarters on 29 April, protesting their alleged underrepresentation at the Bangui Forum.
- A spokesman for the community stated: "There are nearly 500 or 600 representatives and we only have 13 places. This is not representative for Muslims. We have nearly 100 associations, and they are not represented. This Forum is for national reconciliation, for social cohesion between the two communities, but if only one party is represented and the other is excluded, then truly there is no future for this forum."
- The article notes: "Civil society, armed groups, political parties, all feel under-represented. The organization of Muslim associations claims 340 places in the Bangui Forum. While all entities must share the 600 spots between them."