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Media coverage June 2019 - January 2020

Posted on January 30, 2020

June 1, 2019

MIGS Youth Fellow Zach Paikin contributed to an important new report published by the London School of Economics titled “Five Years After Maidan: Toward a Greater Eurasia?”

June 3, 2019

Ahead of the #RightsCity Conference, MIGS collaborated with and asked some of the speakers to weigh in on the most pressing human rights issues today.

Kyle Matthews gave an interview to CTV News Montreal about the importance of the #RightsCity Conference for human rights. Kyle also spoke to Breakfast Television Montrealabout the event.

MIGS Fellow Fannie Lafontaine explained to the use of “genocide” in the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG Report) in an article in the National Post titled “Laval prof who wrote MMIW inquiry's legal analysis defends use of 'genocide' in report.”

June 4, 2019

MIGS Co-founder Frank Chalk, was interviewed by CBC radio concerning the use of the term “Genocide” in a report published by the inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). “Call what happened to Indigenous Women a genocide so we can move forward, says MMIWG inquiry’s lead counsel.”

Kyle Matthews is quoted in an editorial in La Presse titled “30e anniversaire du massacre de Tiananmen: le funeste heritage.”

Roméo Dallaire was quoted in La Presse and in Le Devoir regarding the Final MMIWG Report. 

June 5, 2019

Fannie Lafontaine gave an interview to Radio Canada’s Midi Info on the use of the term genocide in the Final MMIWG Report. 

June 10, 2019

MIGS’ Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “We Are Not Equipped To Prevent Genocide.”

June 13, 2019

Kyle Matthews and Irwin Cotler, chair of the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights and former minister of justice of Canada, co-wrote an opinion piece in The Montreal Gazette titled “Canada should resist any urge to retreat from the world stage.”

June 14, 2019

Ewelina Ochab wrote an article in Forbes titled “Towards The Elimination Of Sexual Violence In Conflict.”    

June 17, 2019

Phil Gurski wrote an article The Hill Times titled “We live in a world obsessed with terrorism, but Canada doesn’t have a terrorism problem.”

June 20, 2019

Ewelina U. Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Asia Bibi Has Won Her Battle, But Many More Christian Minorities Struggle For Justice In Pakistan.”

June 26, 2019

Ewelina U. Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “The International Law Standards On Prohibition Of Torture Continue To Be Ignored.”

July 1, 2019

MIGS Fellow Fannie Lafontaine co-wrote an article on titled “Canada's Genocide of Indigenous Peoples: Time for Decolonization.”

July 2, 2019 

MIGS Youth Fellow Levon Mouradian published a piece about deepfakes in The Montreal Gazette titled "Opinion: Deepfakes are upon us, and an effective response is essential."

July 4, 2019

MIGS Youth Fellow Caroline Feldner wrote an article for OpenCanada titled “Why violence against female journalists must end.”

July 15, 2019

Digital Fellow Phil Gurski wrote an article in The Hill Times titled “Would you shill for Osama bin Laden.”

July 17, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Let's Improve The Quality of Reporting On Issues Pertaining To Freedom of Religion Or Belief.”

July 18, 2019

MIGS Youth Fellow Alexandrine Royer wrote an article on titled “Why Youtube's Decision to Remove Far-Right Content Is Not Enough.”

July 20, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “The World Finally Sees The Survivors Of Religious Persecution, Now We Must Act.”

July 22, 2019

Phil Gurski wrote an article in The Hill Times titled “BCCLA case shows how ignorant Canadians really are about CSIS.”

July 24, 2019

Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Nadia Murad Explains The Blueprint To Help Religious Communities In Iraq.”

 MIGS Fellow André Gagné wrote an article on The Conversation about the Christian right in the United States and its impact in Canada. The piece was also published in French on the HuffPost.

July 25, 2019

MIGS Digital Fellow Joana Cook updated the dataset on the status of women and minors linked to ISIS and co-wrote an article with Gina Vale titled “From Daesh to ‘Diaspora’ II: The Challenges Posed by Women and Minors After the Fall of the Caliphate” published in the CTC Sentinel Journal.

July 29, 2019

Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “Why we must hold back on using the terrorism label.”

August 1, 2019

Naomi Kikoler is quoted in an article titled “Second Ministerial for Religious Freedom Shines a Light on Intolerance and Genocide” published on EIN News Desk.

August 5, 2019

Phil Gurski has a new article in The Hill Times titled “Why former spies and diplomats must have freedom to speak.”

August 8, 2019

Ewelina Ochab wrote an important piece in Forbes in the need for justice for the survivors and the families of the victims of the genocide committed by Daesh.

August 11, 2019

Youth Fellow Patrick Groeneveld-Meijer published an opinion piece for the CBC titled “There’s no easy path forward in Canada’s dispute with China, but there is a moral one”.

August 12, 2019

Phil Gurski published a new piece in The Hill Times titled “Why Canada should not be in a hurry to re-embrace Saudi Arabia.”

August 15, 2019

MIGS Fellow Michael Petrou published an article on OpenCanada.orgtitled “The high stakes in Hong Kong’s battle for democracy”.

August 18, 2019

Kyle Matthews was quoted in The Globe and Mail article “Canada criticizes U.K. move to strip ‘Jihadi Jack’ of British citizenship”.

Ewelina Ochab published an article on Forbes titled “Nearly two million people in India are to be deprived their citizenship”.

August 19, 2019

Kyle Matthews was interviewed in the article  “We're doing nothing': Canada could be a leader in handling its foreign fighters, but isn't, say experts” published by National Post.

MIGS was mentioned in the CJN article “Montreal should honor Elie Wiesel: city councillor”.

August 21, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article on Forbes titled “Giving the voice to the victims and survivors of terrorism”.

August 22, 2019

Ewelina Ochab published an article on Forbes titled “Five Reasons The World Needs A Wake-Up Call On Religious Persecution”.

August 24, 2019

Kyle Matthews was interviewed in an episode of The House - CBC Radio titled “The 'Jihadi Jack' debate: Who has a right to come back to Canada?”.

MIGS Fellow Andrei Serbin Pont is interviewed for an article titled “Alberto Fernández to break with Macri’s approach to Venezuela crisis, if elected”published by the Buenos Aires Times.

August 25, 2019

Kyle Matthews wrote an article for CBC titled “Jihadi Jack shouldn’t be one country's problem. We need an international response.”

August 26, 2019

Kyle Matthews was interviewed by Global News about “Why accused ISIS war criminals shouldn’t just be one country’s problem – the case for international tribunals”.

Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “State terrorism is making a comeback.”

August 28, 2019

Ewelina Ochab gave a TEDTalk titled “Beyond equality: How should we aid survivors of genocide?” She spoke about a project on human dignity she has been working on called “Human Dignity for Everyone Everywhere”.

September 2, 2019

Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “The murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia and the Issue of Corruption in Malta”.

September 5, 2019

Kyle Matthews was interviewed for an article titled “Ouïghours : au Xinjiang, un lent et silencieux «génocide culturel” published in Libération.

September 9, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article on Forbes titled “Standing with the people of Hong Kong for human rights and democracy”.

MIGS Fellow Phil Gurski published a new piece in The Hill Times titled “A lack of trust in security agencies makes us less safe.”

September 16, 2019 

Phil Gurski wrote an article in The Hill Times titled “A small victory in the war against violent hate or a slippery slope to censorship?”

September 20, 2019

MIGS’ Senior Distinguished Senior Fellow Romeo Dallaire spoke to about Canadian foreign policy.

September 25, 2019

Phil Gurski wrote an article in the Globe and Mail titled “What if we can’t prosecute returning terrorist ‘foreign fighters?”

September 30, 2019

MIGS Fellow Fannie Lafontaine was quoted in this article about the Viens Report Public Inquiry Commission on relations between Indigenous Peoples and certain public services in Québec. She also spoke to Radio-Canada’s Midi Info about the report.

October 3, 2019

Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “Haters gotta hate, hate, hate on Bernier.”

October 5, 2019

In a letter to The Times editor, Joana Cook argued that persons affiliated with ISIS should be repatriated, face the full extent of the law, & chance to rehabilitate.

Fannie Lafontaine appeared on Radio-Canada’s show “Les faits d’abords” about the lack of attention given to indigenous women in the Viens Report.

October 6, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Who Will Address The Issue Of Mass Atrocities In North Korea?.” 

October 7, 2019

Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “What role, if any, will security issues play in the 2019 election campaign?

MIGS Fellow Dr. Andre Gagné is quoted in a Présence article titled “Élections: faut-il craindre la droite religieuse au Canada?”

October 8, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “In Iran, Religious Minority Children Are To Stay Silent If They Want To Study.”

October 9, 2019

MIGS Fellow Michael Petrou wrote an article for OpenCanada titled “Parties pitch Canadians on foreign policy ideas, but a grander strategy still missing.”

MIGS Fellow Marty Castro was interviewed on TwentyThirty, “On Purpose with Marty Castro: A Life Less Ordinary.”

October 11, 2019

MIGS Executive Director Kyle Matthews was quoted in the Futurithmic article “Digitalands: Law and order in digital societies.”

MIGS Digital Fellow Alexandre Corbeil published an article in the CTCSentinel titled “Hezbollah’s “Virtual entrepreneurs:” How Hezbollah is using the internet to incite violence in Israel.”

October 14, 2019

MIGS Digital Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “The OSCE produces guidance on freedom of religion or belief and security.

MIGS Digital Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “What is next for Sudan?

October 21, 2019

MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “CSIS is damned if it does and damned if it doesn’t.”

October 23, 2019

MIGS Digital Fellow Karine Pontbriand published an article titled “L’importance de la coopération en cybersécurité internationale” in the September-November edition of the international analysis magazine Sans Frontières.

October 24, 2019

MIGS Digital Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Germany conducts its first genocide trial of a Daesh Fighter.”

MIGS Executive Director Kyle Matthews wrote a piece titled “Short circuit: What will artificial intelligence mean for diplomacy?” for the Soft Power 30 report. The full report, a joint effort from Portland Communications, Facebook and the Center on Public Diplomacy at the University of Southern California, can be found here.

October 26, 2019

MIGS Digital Fellow Joana Cook co-authored an article published in Foreign Policy titled “In Syria, the Women and Children of ISIS Have Been Forgotten”.

October 28, 2019

MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “National security priorities for the Liberal minority government.”

The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) published its latest report titled “Their Fate is Tied to Ours: Assessing AQAP Governance and Implications for Security in Yemen” written by MIGS Digital Fellow Joana Cook. The full report is available here.

October 29, 2019

MIGS Fellow Diego Osorio was interviewed by in the article “Argentine: le technocrate et la populiste”.

MIGS Digital Fellow Vivek Ventakesh spoke at The Walrus Talks Living Better.

November 1, 2019

MIGS Fellow Andrei Serbin Pont was interviewed by El Tiempo Latino for an article titled “Latinoamérica tras elecciones: ciudadanos entre la transición y el continuismo”.

 November 4, 2019

MIGS Digital Fellow Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “How do we determine when a terrorist act has taken place?”.

MIGS Digital Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “As Brexit continues to divide Britain, a new Genocide response initiative aims to unite”.

November 5, 2019

Phil Gurski was interviewed in La Presse in an article titled “Préparatifs pour un retour des présumés djihadistes canadiens détenus en Syrie.“ 

November 8, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “On why we need to reaffirm human dignity.”

MIGS Youth Fellow Kylea Shropshire published an article with MBBI titled “Creating a conflict resolution revolution. Member Spotlight: Enda Young.”

November 11, 2019

Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “Should Canadians worry about #Wexit from an extremism perspective?

November 12, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “The Gambia is taking Myanmar to court.”

November 18, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “The law and policy reforms Myanmar needs to combat intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief.”

Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “Is Don Cherry a right-wing extremist?

November 22, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Orange the world for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.”

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad launch the Global Survivors Fund.”

November 25, 2019

Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “Maxime Bernier shutout is a good sign.”

November 27, 2019

Marie Lamensch is quoted in an article in La Presse titled “Ouïghours: «Plus personne ne peut ignorer l’existence des camps en Chine ».

MIGS Digital Fellow Dr Joana Cook, Senior Research Fellow at KCL, weighed in on NATO’s military structure ahead of the NATO Summit

November 30, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Recognizing the Phenomenon of the persecution of Christians.”

December 2, 2019

Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “The ugly side of climate change denial may lead to violence.”

December 3, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Calling for more action on the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.”

December 9, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Standing up for Human Rights for Everyone.”

Phil Gurski published an article in The Hill Times titled “Terrorism is terrorism.”

December 13, 2019

Marie Lamensch was quoted in an article in Al Jazeera News titled “ICJ Speech: Suu Kyi fails to use 'Rohingya' to describe minority.” 

December 14, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Rohingya Muslims: the name that San Suu Kyi did not want to say”.

MIGS’ Executive Director Kyle Matthews was interviewed for CTV News’ article titled “Montreal's Uyghur community is speaking up about reality in China.”

December 16, 2019

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Denial is the Final Stage of Genocide, the Armenians know it best”.

December 26, 2019

The Chaire Raoul Dandurand at the Université du Québec à Montréal published a podcast episode of its conference “Le rôle des citoyens et des médias face aux menaces multidimensionnelles“, featuring a panel discussion chaired by Marie Lamensch

December 31, 2019

MIGS’ Executive Director Kyle Matthews was interviewed for the Anadolu Agency’s article titled “Tensions still high between Canada, Saudi Arabia.”

January 2, 2020

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “At the Door of the New Decade, We Must Strive a Better Legacy for Human Rights.”  

January 4, 2020

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “Against the Tide of Humanity: India Proceeding with Discriminatory Laws.” 

 January 6, 2020

MIGS Fellow Ewelina Ochab published an article in Forbes titled “ When A Tech Company Engages in Severe Human Rights Violations.”  

 January 7, 2020

MIGS Fellow Michael Petrou published a new article on CIGI’s website titled “2020: The Year Canada Must Focus on Strengthening Global Democracy.”

 January 13, 2020

Kyle Matthews was interviewed by CTV News Montreal regarding human rights in China.

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