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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

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FEBRUARY 13: All in-person classes and activities are cancelled due to severe weather

Conferences & lectures

Dual-task managing training for older adults - evidence from different settings

A PERFORM Centre colloquium

Date & time
Thursday, July 21, 2022
12 p.m. – 1 p.m.

Registration is closed


Dr. Bettina Wollesen


This event is free




Wendy Kunin
+1 (514) 848-2424 x.5295


Loyola Jesuit Hall and Conference Centre
7141 Sherbrooke W.
Room 120

Accessible location


For elderly people, the prevention of falling and the ability to walk safely are among the most important factors for social interaction and participation in activities of daily living. Consequently, it is of great interest to foster, ensure, and when possible improve walking performance and functional mobility in older adults with appropriate training programs.

Moreover, it seems reasonable to regard the methods of a mobility or fall prevention training under DT conditions. Due to the positive results of some DT interventions one should include variable task prioritization and task switching elements to warrant transfer effects. In addition, training protocols should include increasing demands with a certain minimal duration and level of task specificity to gain task-related adaptations and to optimize cognitive and motor performance. To minimize the risk of falling and to reduce anxiety associated with falling, participants should learn task-managing strategies that allow them to switch between tasks and to prioritize the motor task to prevent instability.

Within this presentation the development of the task-managing training and the adoption to different target groups will be provided (i.e. hearing and cognitive impairments, nursing home residents, Morbus Parkinson).


This is a hybrid event and can be attended both in-person and online via Zoom. Registration is required. This event is free.

Speaker Bio:

Bettina Wollesen currently works at the Department of Human Movement Science at the University of Hamburg. She conducts researches on cognitive-motor interference. The current project she is leading is eg. 'PROfit'. In her research projects, she applies various biomechanical analysing methods such as clinical gait analysis and EMG. With her work at the MoBI lab in Berlin, Bettina Wollesen is also doing analysis on spatial navigation and also using methods such as EEG.

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