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Roundtable Conversation Restorative Transitional Justice Hearings

Listening Publics, Participatory Performance, and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace’s (JEP) Admission of Responsibility Hearings.

Date & time
Thursday, May 16, 2024
10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Magistrate Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll (JEP, Colombia), Duhaime (Special Rapporteur on Truth, Justice and Reparation, United Nations) Luis Carlos Sotelo, Members of the Consultative Council on Restorative Transitional Justice (Colombia), The artistic team of the performance Call and Response: Who Listens to Cesar, Agape por Colombia. Nancy Tapias


This event is free


Social Justice Centre


J.W. McConnell Building
1400 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Room Seminar Room LB-362 (2nd floor of the Library)

Accessible location


A roundtable conversation with: 

  • Magistrate Julieta Lemaitre Ripoll (JEP, Colombia), 
  • Bernard Duhaime (Special Rapporteur on Truth, Justice and Reparation, United Nations) 
  • Luis Carlos Sotelo (director of Concordia’s Acts of Listening Lab), 
  • Members of the Consultative Council on Restorative Transitional Justice (Colombia) 
  • The artistic team of the performance Call and Response: Who Listens to Cesar (a research-creation project, Concordia University). 
  • Agape por Colombia (an NGO working for reconciliation in Colombia) 
  • Moderation: Nancy Tapias, The 2023-24 Barry Pashak Postdoctoral Fellow, Social Justice Centre, Concordia University. 

This conversation focuses on how to safely engage the public who attend restorative transitional justice hearings as listeners and active participants in procedures where sensitive and painful narratives by people impacted by violence are shared to contribute to a truth-seeking and collective restorative process.

The Admission of Responsibility Hearings of Colombia´s Special Jurisdiction for Peace will be the case study.

Magistrate Julieta Lemaitre will share insights about the experience of leading such hearings in the context of a case on Hostage Taking, a systematic war crime committed by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia between 1982 and 2012 under her investigation.

In Call and Response: Who Listens to Cesar, The Acts of Listening Lab and The Listening Choir use a documentary theatre technique and choral singing to reconstruct moments of such a hearing to engage the audience as listener-participants.

The director of the project and the artistic team will participate in the conversation to contribute insights from their creative process.

Members of the Colombian Consultative Council on Restorative Transitional Justice visiting Concordia will contribute their expertise. So will Inés Merchand, a founding member of Agape por Colombia, an NGO working towards reconciliation in Colombia. 

Join us 

In person: Seminar Room LB-362 Concordia Library, second floor, 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W. Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8 

Zoom registration:



El Laboratorio de Actos de Escucha y El Coro a la Escucha le invitan a participar en Llamado y Respuesta: ¿Quién Escucha a Cesar?

Usamos un formato de teatro testimonial participativo con elementos de canto coral para proponer una forma restaurativa de escuchar en grupo los testimonios orales de víctimas y responsables que se comparten en el contexto de las audiencias de reconocimiento de la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP) de Colombia. En este ejercicio, nos enfocamos en las palabras de Cesar Lasso, sargento de la policía, secuestrado por las FARC por más de trece años para presionar un canje por guerrilleros presos.

La invitación incluye participar en una conversación de reflexión posterior al evento (habrá refrescos y comida ligera). Dado que es un proyecto de investigación-creación, si acepta participar le pedimos que lea y firme el consentimiento informado y lo remita a antes del evento, o lo firme a la entrada del mismo.
Mayo 11, 17 y 18, 2024
Registrar fecha en la que desea asistir acá:

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