Dario Ré
MA 16
Writing consultant at North Idaho College
Private music instructor, artist and performer
1. How are you applying your degree in Art History from Concordia?
My life revolves around art…making it, appreciating it, discussing it, etc. So I utilize the refinement of language and observation that I developed during my time at Concordia every day, professionally and otherwise.
2. What do you value most from your Art History experience?
I value the intensive writing development that I underwent. The ability to articulate my ideas has given me confidence in writing project proposals, in analyzing my own work and in professional communication. Artistically, I value my exposure to a broader vocabulary and an understanding of diverse art practices, which allows me to be more deeply engaged with my own art practice as well as those that I see. Socially, I value the network I developed during my research. My interests were in contemporary art, which encouraged me to interact with artists, theorists, scholars, students, community members, etc., many of whom I have managed to stay connected to.
3. Is there a particular memory that stands out from your time at Concordia?
Some that stand out to me were the opportunities to collaborate across other disciplines and within the community at large. These opportunities included Cynthia Hammond’s Right to the City project, Alice Jim’s Biennial studies, the co-curation of the MFA final exhibition titled Maureen, to name only a few. These projects not only allowed me to bridge my art practice with my education, but they also brought together diverse groups of people in the name of creativity.
4. What advice would you give to someone considering graduate studies in Art History?
I would encourage anyone considering graduate studies in Art History to recognize the merits of an education that values intensive reading and writing and to fully commit themselves to this method of learning. Also, choose a topic that not only challenges and nurtures your intellectual needs but one that satisfies your social needs as well. Seek opportunities outside of the program and approach them with as much rigor.