Alexis Poirier-Saumure
Thesis supervisor: Krista Lynes

Thesis title: Critical, anti-oppressive and queer pedagogies for sexual education
Alexis Poirier-Saumure is a PhD candidate and lecturer in the Communication Studies department at Concordia University in Tiohtià:ke/Montréal, Canada. He is a recipient of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Joseph-Armand Bombardier Graduate Doctoral Scholarship. He is a research assistant for Concordia’s Simone de Beauvoir Institute, where he works on projects related to Gender & Sexuality pedagogy as well as contemporary discourses on the classroom and the university. He works as data analyst for the Institut de Recherche sur l’Immigration et les Pratiques Interculturelles et Inclusives (IRIPII) at Collège de Maisonneuve, where he specializes in pedagogy research around questions of ethics and care in sensitive teaching contexts. His thesis interrogates the educational practice of sexual education teachers in the context of critical, antioppressive and queer approaches to pedagogy. Within this work, he deploys a collaborative methodological approach through methods like collaborative autoethnography.
- Poirier-Saumure, A. (forthcoming 2023). "The First Teaching Experience: Failure as a Strategy for Critical, Anti-Oppressive, and Queer Approaches to Pedagogy" in Kouri-Towe, N. (ed), Pedagogical practices in the contemporary gender and sexuality classroom across Canada. Montreal: Concordia University Press.
- Poirier-Saumure, A. (2022). "Le magique est politique: sorcellerie et utopie queer dans Brujos" in Rouleau, J. (ed), Télévision QueerReprésentations, Formes et Courants Narratifs. Montréal : Éditions du Remue-Ménage.
- Poirier-Saumure, A. (2022). "Tensions et possibilités éthiques en salle de classe" Revue Liberté (335), p. 35-39
- Poirier-Saumure, A. (2021) "Can Queer TV Teach on its Own?" [Book review, The Pedagogy of Queer TV, by Ava Laure Parsemain]. Jump Cut (Published online).
- Poirier-Saumure, A. (2020). "Autoethnographie queer de l’intervention anti-homophobie avec le GRIS-Montréal" Études Francophones (33) Hors-Série Multitudes Queer. (Published online)