Hannah Jamet-Lange
Thesis supervisor: Stefanie Duguay

Hannah Jamet-Lange (she/they) received her BA in Communication Studies with a minor in Interdisciplinary Studies in Sexuality. Centred in affect and queer theory, their research interests revolve around conceptions of happiness, intimate publics, and queer activisms, with a focus on discourses around music and emotions that are mobilized on social media. Specifically, the thesis examines the formation of networked intimate publics on TikTok, how these reflect on queer youth’s anxieties related to (hetero)normative ideas of happiness, and what their political potential may be.
Thesis title or subject: “sad girlies how are we doing rn??”: Conceptions of happiness in engagements with ‘Sad Girl Music’ on TikTok (Working title)
Conference papers
Duguay, S., Acar, Ö. E., & Jamet-Lange, H. (2023, October 18-21). Dear baby gays: Investigating the sociotechnical practices of older LGBTQ+ TikTok users. AoIR2023: The 24th Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers., Philadelphia, PA.
Jamet-Lange, H. (2023, September 21-22). Sad Girl Music on TikTok: Researching listening communities using the TikTok Sound feature. Mediations of music and power in online music cultures conference, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden.
Duguay, S., Jamet-Lange, H., & Acar, Ö. E. (2023, June 28-29). #queersover30: Exploring creative production at the intersection of age and sexual identity on TikTok. Global Perspectives on Platforms, Labor and Social Reproduction, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Duguay, S., Acar, Ö. E., & Jamet-Lange, H. (2023, May 29 - June 2). Where the methods of the medium meet the practices of data cultures: Investigating TikTok as a research tool. Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, York University, Toronto, CA.
Jamet-Lange, H., Acar, Ö. E., Johnston, M., Ogilvie-Hanson, S., & Morgan, P. (2023, May 23). [Art]ificial Intelligence: Authenticity and Audience Reactions to Stylistic Mimicry Using Stable Diffusion. [un]Stable Diffusions, Concordia University, Montreal.
Jamet-Lange, H. (2023, March 2). Queer Tumblr and the political potential of online counterpublics. Communication Graduate Caucus Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Jamet-Lange, H. (2020, March 7). AI Astrology as a Form of Queer Resistance. Communications Undergraduate Academic Conference (CUAC).
In progress
Duguay, S., Jamet-Lange, H., & Acar, Ö. E. (accepted for publication). “How do we do that?” An analysis of TikToks by older lesbian and queer women representing lived experience, survival, and advice for intergenerational audiences. Journal of Lesbian Studies, Special Issue: Lesbian and Queer Generations.