The Jean Monnet 2020–2023 Chair “Multiple Roles of Translation in Minority Multilingual Romani Contexts (ROMTRA)” organizes a series of three annual events.
Romani Language and Translation
A three-day event was held from October 14 to 16, 2021 that focused discussion on Romani language and culture through the perspective of translation.
Two-day online event that focused on ethics and translation (written) and interpreting (oral) in the Romani context.
June 20 - July 1, 2023
This first-ever interdisciplinary summer institute combining Romani and translation expertise provided participants with opportunities to apply Romani language skills to practice and research that involves translation in a variety of contexts. Concordia University students enroll for the 3-credit course FTRA 698-GA “Translating Each Other/The Other” with Prof. Debbie Folaron.
See full details of the sessions and activities on campus, at 4th Space and in other venues.

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