ROMTRA research activities
The ROMTRA research activities connected to the Jean Monnet Chair focus on the multiple roles of translation in the minority, multilingual Romani context.
These consist of two workshops and one summer institute taking place over the course of the Jean Monnet Chair (2020–2023).
These events bring together Romani and translation expertise and experience, with the objective of mutual knowledge-sharing and support for the diverse types of translation needs in the Romani context.
Romani Language and Translation Workshop
The first ROMTRA workshop focused on Romani language and culture through the perspective of translation and laid the foundation for development of a practical handbook on translation in diverse Romani contexts. Speakers included Dr. Ian F. Hancock, FRSA, OBE; Dr. Hristo Kyuchukov and Dr. Hedina Tahirović-Sijerčić.
The ROMTRA project
Supplementing the three ROMTRA activities (two workshops and one summer institute) hosted respectively in 2021, 2022, and 2023 at Concordia University, the following deliverables are freely available for the public to download.
Framework for a Code of Ethics for Translators and Interpreters in Romani
Romani-Translation Summer Institute – student translation readings and attribution of “Ronald Lee Translator Awards”

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