Multiple Roles of Translation in Minority Multilingual Romani Contexts (ROMTRA)
The Jean Monnet Chair is designed to promote excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Studies worldwide.

Jean Monnet Chair:
Debbie Folaron
Debbie Folaron (PhD, Binghamton University, New York) is Associate Professor of Translation Studies in the translation sector of the Département d’études françaises at Concordia University.
In Fall 2020, she was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair “Multiple Roles of Translation in Minority Multilingual Romani Contexts” (ROMTRA).
Professor Folaron is Founding Editor (2012) of the international academic journal Translation Spaces: A Multidisciplinary, Multimedia, and Multilingual Journal of Translation, and currently serves on the Evaluation Committee of the International Doctorate in Translation Studies (ID-TS) network established by the European Society for Translation Studies (EST).
In 2007, she was awarded a three-year FQRSC [Fonds Québécois de recherche sur la société et la culture] research grant and in 2011, she launched the multilingual site Translation Romani, localized into 10 languages: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German, Turkish, Hungarian, Czech and Romani.
Her scholarly work focuses on translation concepts and practices in the contexts of technologies and contemporary digital society, multilingualism and less-translated minority languages, with a focus on Romani.
She is Core affiliate of the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling at Concordia University, and member of the Montreal-based NGO Romanipe.
Learn more about Translation Studies in the Département d’études françaises.

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