The Jean Monnet Chair “Multiple Roles of Translation in Minority Multilingual Romani Contexts” (ROMTRA) at Concordia University provides a focal point for teaching, research, and public discussion about translation practices and policies in the context of minoritized, transnational groups within the European Union (EU).
The EU language policy and European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML) reinforce the EU principles of unity through multilingualism and linguistic diversity. For this, translation policies and practices play a fundamental role, serving as gateway mechanisms for more equitable representation and participation by all in democratic processes and governance bodies.
Scholarship in minority language translation underscores the critical importance of examining specific social, cultural, and historical dynamics in context. Collectively comprising the largest ethnic, plurilingual minority in Europe, Romani peoples occupy a uniquely complex translational space — one whose flows and exchanges are mediated through multiple languages, dialects, cultural forms and expressions, and historical traditions. For such diversely configured minoritized groups, a translation perspective provides conceptual and practical tools that encourage dialogue and fair exchange.
The inaugural Jean Monnet Chair at Concordia University is situated in the translation studies sector of the Département d’études françaises, and supports courses offered to students in other disciplines of the Faculty of Arts and Science. It will host events (workshops and summer institute), support academic and public discussions, and engage with scholars, researchers, university students, NGOs, and members of the community and civil society. The events are designed to deepen knowledge on minority translation and to nuance the discussion on how the European Union’s language and translation policies and processes provide a foundation for greater social integration of minoritized groups and citizens.

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