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Message from Dr. Csaba Nikolenyi, Director of the Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies

September 10, 2021

Welcome to the start of the 2021-22 academic year, which ends the first and opens the second decade of the Azrieli Institute! We start this special academic year in a beautiful new location on the 7th floor of the Royal Bank building, located right in the heart of Concordia's downtown campus. We look forward to welcoming you in our new offices and reading room! 

We open our second decade with a new group of faculty and students joining our team. Dr. Rasha Elhawari brings to our Academic Board her expertise in Arab language and culture, Dr. Isabelle Benoit-Gelber enriches our knowledge in the area of biological research in Canada and Israel, Dr Shimon Amir is a senior world- renowned expert in psychology with extensive connections with the Israeli academy, and Dr. Naftali Cohn lends us his specialization in Jewish history.

In addition to these professors, four undergraduate students have been helping us to advance our various research and educational projects. I am thrilled to welcome our new Student Research Assistants: Layla Rudy, Leah Adoni, Kellian Debargis, & Olivier Lafond-Wise.

The Israel Studies book series that we launched in collaboration with McGill-Queen’s University Press is developing an impressive line-up of titles that we have already contracted for publication. We look forward to seeing the first books in print soon.

The new Book Award that we established in collaboration with the Concordia University Library has attracted tremendous interest from around the world. Leading academic presses such as Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press & many more have submitted 40 books to this competition! The winner will be announced in November. 

Let me mention our plans to bring you updates about Israeli space research in collaboration with Canadian Friends of Tel Aviv University and a new university course about Israeli start-up and innovation with the Canadian Associates of Ben-Gurion University!

Thank you all for your interest in our work which is a vital source of inspiration for us as we open the second decade of the Azrieli institute of Israel Studies at Concordia University! 

Wishing you a successful new academic year!

Dr. Csaba Nikolenyi
Director, Azrieli Institute of Israel Studies

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