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Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching

The University’s subscription to the Microsoft Campus Agreement provides a membership to the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching. This membership grants active faculty, staff and students currently teaching or attending one or more courses in any of the Science (STEM) departments, or the Science College of the Faculty of Arts and Science of the University, access to Microsoft software, professional development tools and services.

The software is available at no extra cost for students, faculty and staff to download and install on their personally owned computers. Software acquired through this subscription may also be installed on departmental lab workstations.

Membership to Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching subscription also includes:  

  • Microsoft platform, server and developer tools software as well as betas and new releases
  • Online access to all Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching content

To view a complete list, visit their website:

Who can use it?

Active faculty, staff and students currently enrolled in or teaching courses in the eligible science (STEM) departments. To review which departments fall under the STEM category, visit the Azure for education website.

How much does it cost?

There is no cost associated with electronically downloading software covered under the agreement.

How to get it

For students:

  • Visit the Microsoft Azure login page
  • Click Sign in
  • Enter
    (where 'your_netname' represents your Concordia student netname)
  • Enter your netname and password on the second sign-in page
  • Click the radio button to agree with the terms and conditions. The next page will be the Education Hub for the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching software.
For faculty and staff:
  • Visit the Microsoft Azure login page
  • Click Sign in
  • Enter your
    (where 'netname' represents your Concordia employee netname)
  • Enter your netname and password on the second sign-in page
  • Click the radio button to agree with the terms and conditions. The next page will be the Education Hub for the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching software.

Note: Support is only provided for the functionality and login aspects of the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching website. For more information, see the Support section of this page

Service availability



No technical support will be provided by the University’s IT staff or by Microsoft in association with the download and installation of any software included in the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching program.

The only support that will be made available is related to the functionality of the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching website and login access. For assistance with these functions, contact the Service Desk.

Students and faculty who are not currently enrolled in or teaching a STEM program course are not eligible to download the software.
Non-active and retired employees are also ineligible.  


Both programs have been retired and replaced with "Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching". Current subscribers to the Premium program have been transitioned to the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching and will receive all the additional benefits that come with it. 

Benefits previously associated with Microsoft Imagine Premium program will still be available under the new Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for teaching subscription.

You'll find all the information and FAQs you need on the Azure Dev Tools for Teaching FAQ web page.

To have Microsoft Azure software installed on your centrally managed computer, contact the Service Desk.

The easiest way to access the software package is to add a link to your Azure Favorites bar on the left side of the screen.

To add a link to your Azure Favorites, follow these steps:

  • Click on All services and enter Education in the search bar.
  • Click on the star icon to bookmark it.
  • The education link will appear in your Favorites section on the left.
  • To access the complete software offering, click on the new Education link then Software.       

The request can be made to the Service Desk by completing and submitting the web form.
Only an active professor teaching a course eligible for the program can submit the request. Requests from students will not be accepted. At the time the ticket is created, the professor must provide the Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching software name, lab location, course name/number and course start/end date before the request can be processed.

Visit Microsoft’s website to view a complete list of products.

The software must be used for instructional and research purposes. It is not permitted to be used to run the infrastructure of a department. Students may install the software on their personal machines for use with coursework and personal development projects. The software is not to be used to run a business or for ventures that drive commercial profit.

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