This category contains resources and tools to aid in the production and dissemination of your creative productions.
View opportunities related to creation & dissemination
Producing your work
This section includes resources to help you source material, equipment and production spaces. You will also find tools to help you research and organize your creative practice.

Sourcing your materials and equipment
Discover stores, organizations and tools to source your material and equipment.

Studios and rental spaces
Discover long or short-term rentals options for studio, rehearsal and/or production spaces.

Inventories and Databases
Find services, guides and templates for keeping track of your work and creative activities.

Working sustainably
Discover community guides, networks and resources to help you develop a more environmentally and socialy sustainable practice.

Presenting your work
This section includes resources to help you document, transport, and install work.

Photo credit: Emily Gan
Installation and technical setup
Consult installation guides on how to set up different artworks - including performance and sound installation.