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This category includes networks and resources to help you develop and maintain a healthy creative practice and personal life. 

If you are experiencing an emergency or crisis, please consult Concordia's Emergency & crisis resource page.

In Canada and the U.S., dial 9-1-1 if you are experiencing an emergency situation that requires police, an ambulance or the fire department. 

Mental health / Santé mentale

This section includes information on mental health services, including help-lines, as well as networks and support systems.

Cette section comprend des renseignements sur les services en santé mentale, notamment les services d’assistance téléphonique ainsi que les réseaux et systèmes de soutien.

  • Wellness Together Canada
    Wellness Together Canada provides free resources and services for mental health and substance use support.
  • Goodhead
    A mental health resource for gay, bisexual, queer, and other guys into guys.
  • Fireweed Collective
    Fireweed Collective offers mental health education and mutual aid through a Healing Justice lens for marginalized communities.

Health / Santé

This section includes an overview of available health resources, including networks, support systems, and affordable housing and food sources.

Cette section propose un survol des ressources offertes en santé, notamment les réseaux et les systèmes de soutien ainsi que les ressources alimentaires et en matière de logement abordable.

  • Head & Hands
    Head & Hands strives to promote the physical and mental well-being of youth though preventative, inclusive, non-judgmental, and holistic approaches for providing a supportive environment for youth experiencing marginalization(s). 
  • Pride Therapy Network of Montreal: Resources
    This resource list is provided by Pride Therapy Network, a group of mental health practitioners serving the sexual and gender diverse communities in Montreal.
  • McGill Sexual Identity Centre
    The McGill University Sexual Identity Centre offers short-term individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapies, as well as couple and family psychotherapy to individuals with sexual orientation or gender identity issues.
  • Clinique Actuel
    The Clinique médicale l'Actuel provides medical, biological, psychological and social information about the main ailments associated with sexually transmitted infections 

  • Food & dining - Discover all there is to know about eating at Concordia and in Montreal including affordable options on and near campus.  
  • Emergency food resources - Get assistance if you are experiencing food insecurity.

  • OMHM
    Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal aims to Improve the living conditions of low-income individuals and families by offering quality services and housing.
  • HOJO
    HOJO is a Concordia based off-campus housing and job ressource centre.

Safe practices / Pratiques sécuritaires

This section includes information on general safety guidelines for working with health hazardous materials. View safety training services, learn how to read MSDS Sheets and get informed about the importance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This section also includes information regarding cyber security.

Cette section comprend de l’information sur les directives générales de sécurité applicables au travail avec des matières dangereuses. Découvrez les services de formation sur la sécurité, apprenez comment lire des fiches signalétiques et informez-vous sur l’importance de l’équipement de protection individuelle (EPI). Cette section comprend également de l’information sur la cybersécurité.

  • Fine Arts Safety
    This health and safety guide overviewing personal protective equipment is provided by the University of Waterloo.

The following resources provide MSDS sheets for specific creative disciplines.

  • Keybase
    Keybase is a secured messaging and file-sharing program, offering free encrypted chat and cloud storage systems.

Get in touch!

Not finding what you are looking for? Visit the Toolbox sitemap.

For questions, accessibility concerns, or more information on specific resources, contact us at As an expandable depository of online resources, feel free to send your suggestions as well!

This initiative is made possible by the generous support of the Peter N. Thomson Family Innovation Fund.

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