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FEBRUARY 17: SGW and LOY campuses are open. All teaching and research activities, as well as all services are maintained on Monday, February 17, 2025.

FEBRUARY 17: SGW and LOY campuses are open. All teaching and research activities, as well as all services are maintained on Monday, February 17, 2025.


This category contains tools and resources to facilitate and foster safe, accessible, inclusive and diverse processes. Concordia University’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion program aims to promote fair treatment of all community members by removing institutionalized barriers, representing different backgrounds and knowledge practices, and constructing a meaningful sense of belonging.

The contents you will find in this category include resources related, but not limited, to understanding allyship and ways to engage as a settler creative practitioner; tools for anti-oppressive and accessible learning; land acknowledgement practices; and organizational and employment equity. This category also contains a list of external resources and networks for underrepresented and marginalized bodies—such as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and creative practitioners with disabilities.

View more information on Concordia’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion practices, or consult the EDI Report

Introduction to Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Understanding the different aspects of equity, diversity and inclusion, the issue around appropriation, and what it means to be an ally.

Introduction à l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion
Comprendre les différents aspects de l’équité, de la diversité et de l’inclusion, les enjeux entourant l’appropriation et la signification de l’alliance inclusive.


Discover accessibility guidelines for marginalized communities, event planning and organizations, and digital literacy.

Découvrez les lignes directrices en matière d’accessibilité pour les communautés marginalisées et dans le cadre de la planification et l’organisation d’événements, ainsi que la littératie numérique.

Territorial acknowledgement and decolonial practices

Discover Concordia’s Indigenous Directions, Concordia's Pîkiskwêtân Indigenous Learning Serie, along with other resources related to territorial acknowledgement and decolonial practices.

Reconnaissance territoriale et pratiques décoloniales
Découvrez le Bureau des directions autochtones de Concordia, la série d’activités d’apprentissage autochtone Pîkiskwêtân ainsi que d’autres ressources liées à la reconnaissance territoriale et aux pratiques décoloniales.

Example of a territorial acknowledgement /
Exemples de reconnaissance territoriale

The following links provide further information and guides on why we acknowledge territory.

Learning tools on Indigenous Languages.

The following links provide further information regarding decolonial practices.

  • Indigenous collection at the Concordia Library
  • Indigenous Elder and Community Protocols
    The purpose of this document is to assist with the process of respectfully and ethically inviting, interacting, and/or collaborating with Indigenous peoples and communities. It also gives suggestions for honorariums for Indigenous speakers and collaborators.
  • Pîkiskwêtân - Indigenous Learning Series
    The Indigenous Learning Series is a continuous series of decolonizing and anti-racist Indigenous awareness training and professional development workshops.
  • Studio 7's Indigenous Relations/Resources
    In an effort to build and strengthen bridges with Indigenous communities, Studio 7 has put together a hub of resources to help raise awareness about specific issues affecting communities locally and nationally.
  • Concordia's Decolonial Toolbox
    This toolbox offers the public an educational pathway to understanding contemporary Indigenous realities. The pathway gathers carefully-selected resources produced by Indigenous people and organizations that are accessible and promote Indigenous expertise.

Organizational processes

Practicing inclusion in the workplace and understanding employment equity.

Processus organisationnels
Pratique de l’inclusion en milieu de travail et compréhension de l’équité en matière d’emploi.

Resource networks

This is a list of resources and platforms that provides support for creative practitioners identifying under the following underrepresented communities: BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and practitioners with disabilities. Resources for white settler creatives and cultural workers can also be found here for understanding allyship, along with tools for anti-oppressive learning.

Réseaux de ressources
Liste de ressources et de plateformes offrant un soutien aux artistes qui s’identifient à l’une des communautés sous-représentées suivantes : personnes autochtones, noires et de couleur, personnes LGBTQ+, personnes en situation de handicap. Vous trouverez également des ressources destinées aux artistes ainsi qu’aux travailleur·sse·s culturels allochtones blancs permettant de mieux comprendre la notion d’alliance inclusive, ainsi que des outils d’apprentissage anti-oppressif.

    ACCÉSSS is a provincial group of community organizations that aims to provide fair access to health and social services for visible minority communities, in distributing information guides and related resources.
  • A list of Asian Canadian communities and resources
    This is a list of organizations, associations, networks, and programs across Canada for various asian communities.
  • Anti-Black/Racism Resources Montreal/Quebec Ressources pour contrer le racisme Anti-Noir
    This informational guide is available for download through Google Docs.
  • BCRC Montreal
    The Black Community Resource Centre is a growing, resource-based organization that strengthens community capacity by providing professional support to organizations and individuals in need.
  • Black Alumni Network and Council
    The Black Alumni Network is for Black alumni and friends to connect with Concordia and each other and advance the interests of Black students and the Black alumni community. Initiatives include Homecoming Reunions and alumni events, LinkedIn Group engagement and mentoring, hiring and professional development events for students. The Black Alumni Council is a volunteer leadership council that represents the Black Alumni network and works with Concordia University Advancement to guide programming and promote deeper relationships between alumni and the university.
  • Black Perspectives Office Concordia
    The Black Perspectives Office resources, supports, connects, and advocates for Black communities, perspectives, initiatives, and scholarship at Concordia University.
  • BLM Healing in Action’s toolkit for Black Lives Matters healing justice & direct action
    This informational toolkit is available for download as a PDF file.
  • CALQ’s recognition program
    The Recognition program, in collaboration between the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) and First Nations and Inuit communities, aims to contribute to the knowledge, recognition and promotion of artists and cultural practitioners from the First Nations and Inuit communities.
  • Canadian Society for Asian Arts
    The Canadian Society for Asian Arts is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization that aims to promote the understanding and appreciation of the arts of Asia by conceptualizing, organizing and presenting programs, exhibitions and publications. The Society is pan-Asian in its mission, its program focus, its membership, and its governing Board.
  • Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East
    The Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East aims to promote justice, development and peace in the Middle East, and here at home in Canada.
  • Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine
    Comité pour les droits humains en Amérique latine (CDHAL) is a solidarity organization that works to defend and promote human rights in reciprocity with social movements and communities in Latin America in the fight for social, environmental, economic and cultural justice. Their resources are categorized by country and topics.
  • Conseil des arts de Montréal’s actions et services-conseils pour arts autochtones et diversité culturelle
    The Conseil des arts de Montréal provides a variety of programs, projects, funding, and prizes to promote the presence of artists and practices of diversity across the cultural landscape.
  • DAM
    Diversité artistique Montréal’s mission is to promote inclusion and cultural equity by supporting immigrant and racialized artists of all disciplines in the development of their careers.
  • Femmes du monde
    Femmes du monde à Cote-des-Neiges is a women’s center offering services from legal information clinic, daycare, and support groups. Most of their resources are activity-based, however they also provide information and referral resources. 
  • Festival Accès Asie
    Festival Accès Asie is Canada's oldest festival celebrating Asian heritage arts year after year. Their goal is to promote Asian arts, cultures and stories through a wide variety of artistic disciplines.
  • Festival of India
    Festival of India (FOI) is a Quebec-registered non-profit organisation that aims to help create and promote events related to traditional Indian arts and culture.
  • Indigenous Directions Concordia
    This hub is a gathering place for Indigenous resources, courses, research, and projects within Concordia University and beyond.
  • La Fondation Canado Palestinienne du Quebéc
    The Canadian Palestinian Foundation of Quebec (CPFQ) is a Montreal-based cultural, social and charitable non-profit organization. Through its activities and projects they aim  to welcome and defend the Palestinian community and Arabic newcomers.
  • LatinArte
    LatinArte is the first cultural organization that promotes Latin American art produced in Quebec, through their annual cultural programming. They take membership applications for the LatinArtists Club or to become a volunteer.
  • Latin American-Canadian Art Projects
    Latin american-canadian art projects is a Toronto-based, not-for-profit arts organization dedicated to the implementation of art projects, which promote Latin American art in Canada with an emphasis on artistic excellence, critically engaged artistic practices, and hemispheric networks of exchange.
  • Le Service à la Famille Chinoise du Grand Montréal
    Le Service d'interprète d'aide et de référence aux immigrants offers a range of services from completing immigration forms, offering interpretation and translation services, as well as free English and French classes. They also offer Commissioner of Oaths services through administrative forms, along with providing tax clinic, food resources, and  cafe-meetups to further support for families and the general community.
  • Le Service d'interprète d'aide et de référence aux immigrants (SIARI)
    Le Service d'interprète d'aide et de référence aux immigrants offers a range of services from completing immigration forms, offering interpretation and translation services, as well as free English and French classes. They also offer Commissioner of Oaths services through administrative forms, along with providing tax clinic, food resources, and  cafe-meetups to further support for families and the general community. 
  • Liberate: Black meditation app
    Liberate is a Black-owned meditation app that provides a safe space for the Black community to develop a daily meditation habit. 
  • Maison Multiethnique Myosotis
    The Maison Multiethnique Myosotis is a non-profit organization catering to mental health services. They provide accessible psychological counselling and art therapy for low-income communities, with services offered in a variety of languages.
  • Montreal Indigenous Community Network
    The Montreal Indigenous community Network supports the ecosystem of individuals and groups committed to improving the quality of life of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities living in the greater Montreal area.
  • Native Friendship Centre of Montreal
    Native Friendship Centre of Montreal Inc. provides numerous health, legal, educational and employment referral services to the urban Indigenous population of Montreal and their families.
  • Native Montreal
    Native Montreal provides programs and services to contribute to the holistic health, cultural strength and success of Indigenous families, individuals, and community living in the greater Montreal area. 
  • QRIPG McGill School Schmool’s resources
    The Quebec Public Interest Research Group provides numerous links to mental health and wellness services.
  • RESilience’s racial stress and self-care parent tip tool
    This toolkit for parents is available for download as a PDF file.
  • The Canadian Council of Muslim Women
    The Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) is an organization dedicated to the empowerment, equality and equity of all Muslim women in Canada.  They provide numerous services and legal resources for Muslim women in Canada.
  • The South Asian Women’s Community Centre
    The South Asian Women’s Community Centre is a community space for women and their families that also provides support for navigating the health and social system, hold community events, and provide language classes and information sessions.
  • Young Chinese Professionals Association
    Young Chinese Professionals Association offers opportunities to connect, train and equip young Asian professionals and entrepreneurs by becoming a member.

  • Co-Creating Access & Inclusion
    This guide is for people who are considering working with and for people with a disability for the very first time. It includes an introduction to disability justice and focuses on artistic and pedagogical work with that community.
  • Tangled Art + Disability
    Tangled Art + Disability is a registered charitable organization dedicated to enhancing opportunities for artists with disabilities.

  • AGIR
    The Action LGBTQ avec les ImmigrantEs et RéfugiéEs is an autonomous non-profit organization, by and for the LGBTQ migrant community living in Montreal.
    The Community center for gay and lesbians of Montreal is a non-profit organization that acts to improve the well-being of people in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Centre for Gender Advocacy
    The Centre for Gender Advocacy is an independent, student-funded, Concordia University organization, mandated to promote gender equality and empowerment.
  • Goodhead
    This resource provides information and services to advocate for LGBTQ2+ mental health. 
  • Media Queer
    The goal of the Queer Media Database Canada-Québec Project is to maintain a dynamic online catalogue of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) Canadian film, video and digital works. This is a bilingual online research and curatorial tool provides free access to researchers, students, artists, academics, curators, cinephiles, critics, and community members.
  • Pride Therapy Network of Montreal
    The Pride Therapy Network of Montreal is a collective of independent mental health practitioners that offer culturally informed, accessible, and affirmative services to members of sexual and gender diverse communities.

Get in touch!

Not finding what you are looking for? Visit the Toolbox sitemap.

For questions, accessibility concerns, or more information on specific resources, contact us at As an expandable depository of online resources, feel free to send your suggestions as well!

This initiative is made possible by the generous support of the Peter N. Thomson Family Innovation Fund.

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