In June 2020, amid the most severe global health crisis in a generation, SPNET as part of the MINDS Program’s Collaborative Networks responded to a call for papers to support the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces (DND/CAF) identify and understand the COVID-19 pandemic’s geopolitical consequences, lessons learned, and implications for the Defence Team.

How Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used for early warnings and alerts about COVID-19? How AI and related technologies can be used to isolate, track and predict how the COVID-19 pandemic will spread?
We are investigating on developing protocols and guidelines for DND/CAF as well as the entire country and communities to be more resilient to new waves of COVID-19 or any other pandemic in future to avoid, minimize, and reduce the pandemic’s negative effects on social, political, and economical fronts.
This section contains reports by the SPNET team to examine several key challenges and issues stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the pandemic’s impact on great power competition, economic prosperity, and political stability, the lessons learned at home and abroad about anticipating, responding to, and managing public health crises. Finally, the challenges and opportunities presented by the pandemic to the defence and other government portfolios, particularly in the areas of personnel, logistics and procurement, information management and technology, governance, and operations.