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The Concordia University Research Chair (CURC) in Aging and Public Policy seeks to achieve three broad objectives: 

Cement and enhance the development of collaborative research projects in public policy on issues related to aging.

Facilitate the continuation of and add depth to three major research projects focused on the autonomy of seniors, caregiving and pension policy.

Develop a speaker series devoted to policy issues surrounding aging and workshops in social gerontology.

Conference / Colloque

Qui décide ? Renforcer le partenariat entre les aînés, les familles et les praticiens en lien avec les services de santé et les services sociaux

Aussi disponible en webinaire
18 mai, 2018

Impacts de l’austérité sur les conditions de vie et de santé des personnes âgées

May 15, 2017

Current and Future Challenges in Caregiving / Défis actuels et à venir pour les proches aidants

November 10, 2016


Research Chair in Aging and Public Policy (Tier 1)
H 1225-60, 1225-62
Henry F. Hall Building,
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3G 1M8

Patrik Marier, PhD, Chairholder
Telephone: 514-848-2424, ext. 2395

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