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Structure & schedule

The John Molson MBA focuses on practicality and applicability as our students look at business administration and management practices from a comprehensive yet interdisciplinary perspective.

Flexible scheduling

Our MBA students, whether full-time or part-time, can create a schedule that fits their needs. Every semester, a variety of classes are available in the morning, afternoon or evening during the weekdays.

Relevant and practical training

John Molson MBA students acquire, develop, and refine in-demand skills which are sought by employers and organizations alike. Our students work on their professional toolkit both in and out of the classroom through business case projects and experiential learning opportunities.

Customizable curriculum

John Molson MBA students can customize their curriculum through elective (non-core) courses by focusing on a specific topic area or taking courses in a variety of topic areas.

Ethics, sustainability and responsible business practices

Our MBA students go beyond theory and learn to apply concepts in ethics, sustainability, and responsible business practices throughout the program's curriculum but in particular during the Responsible Manager (MBA 641) core course.

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